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Posts posted by Mr3GTP

  1. The Crusades were a defensive campaign to drive invading Muslims from southern Europe, if I recall correctly.


    I could be wrong, but 'Muslim hordes' did plenty of invading through the ages, and their religious viewpoint was "convert or kill".


    Yes, many have died in the name of Christianity, but it's far from being the only one.

  2. Been a while, life's been crazy. Hope everyone has been alright, and their projects are done or are moving along well.


    The Tempo is running, though with the old M62 setup. Putting the M90 on will require a custom rad and new intercooler, and that coin was already spoken for. Seems tight & solid, and throttle response is great.


    One little 'bug', though. At anything more than 3/4 throttle (about 3, 3.5 psi) it 'chokes out' and loses power. Doesn't seem to be leaning out according to the A/F meter.


    Only differences this year are the fresh motor, header, 2.5" exhaust with no cat & a turbo muffler, and EGR disconnected. I've also unplugged the IAC because the idle would surge from 900 to 1900 on a whim.


    Should I try a check valve to isolate the MAP sensor from boost? This fucker feels strong (compared to last year), pulls decent even in 5th. Can't wait to get it running right, strengthen the motor mounts, and get it to the track.


    After I get a few runs in, a bigger crank pulley is going on. I know I can get more pressure out of this blower, but first I want to see how much difference the header, cam, and short-ratio trans is going to make.

  3. http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2007/02/08taurus_tease2b1.jpg





    Yea, the automakers beat the "solid grille" trend to death, didn't they?



  4. holy fuck i just had to take some oxycontin to keep looking at that....there are so many things wrong with this, where do i start.



    I think its clear that whoever is selling this thing does not have a solid grasp on the English language. No native speaker could make that many disastrous spelling errors and expect to be taken seriously as a seller.


    That car looks like it was assembled by a trained autistic chimpanzee with an instruction manual from Lego's, bondo'd by someone who clearly believes quantity trumps quality, and interior made by a Parkinson's sufferer on PCP.


    Also, does anyone else look at the gauges in Images 4 and see only the right turn signal light? I don't see the left one?

    I lol, as beer spews from my nose...


    Good one!

  5. Thats my old supra....


    It is set up for drag racing. The car is very clean. The body and paint are in better shape then any other supra you will find.

    That car is sweet! You put a nice ride together, very clean. Too bad the guy wants an arm and a leg for it, but it might help keep inexperienced drivers out of it.
  6. Glad nobody got hurt, good luck getting 'er fixed.


    I've done some supid shit too, but I've lucked out! Try 112 mph on a snow-covered autobahn. Went almost 300 miles like that, the rented Bimmer was actually pretty solid on the white stuff. Passed a couple nasty wrecks, but kept cruising, 3 young, indestructible soldiers with not a care.


    If only our Interstates were half as good as those autobahns...

  7. Funny thing is, many Conspiracy nuts will accuse Bush of masterminding 9/11, then in the next breath refer to him as a 'moron'.


    Who is the moron? The guy making ridiculous and unfounded claims on a blog, posting from his mom's basement in Omaha, or the man holding the world's most powerful office?

  8. Too bad we spend too much time on "self esteem" issues, cultural indoctrination and other assorted bullshit and not enough learning about our own country/history (and math & science)and how it is supposed to be run - by the people!

    A recent study showed american kids had a high view of themselves - but no knowledge to back it up, several asian countries' kids didn't have that high of an opinion of themselves, but kicked ass on math and science.

    Hmmmm, domestic automakers hovering in and out of banktuptcy, asian auto manufacturers seemingly not having problems.... coincidence???

    Political Correctness and Liberal agendas are killing our country. This illustrates it perfectly.


    Good post/thread!

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