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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Nice plan, good luck with everything! OSU is great at helping people that really want it feel as though their degree is something of value. I have seen so many people that report to me at work expect things to be easy and give up. I wanted to make sure you knew that it could take a while... which you do. If I see another defeted young person paying back student loans and taking anti-depressants I'll scream!
  2. Off track for a second... Kstang, whats your major? I ask because most degrees dont give you leg up on competition until you're in your 30's. At this point employers wont want you, they'll want the experienced guy that graduated in 2000.
  3. Jaguar just to be different. You dont see that many on the rodes these days.
  4. Stop shitting in my thread!!!! No sexual offers no post! If no one wants them I'm throwing them on Ebay for $250
  5. I will just wanted to make sure nobody local wants them first.
  6. V8 Beast

    tonight, 5-8

    Im out.. my bank account just called me and asked to borrow $5 dollars
  7. Shut up before I infract you for being a homosexual frog herder.
  8. Oh look.. its the rule for things like that.
  9. There are rules for things like that....
  10. All these f-bodies on here... I know someone could use them?
  11. Dont you hate it when you go to use the bathroom and someone is taking a shit in your favorite stall!!! Now you have to act like you were just there to rinse off your hands so that your u-turn isnt so obvious.
  12. Having a different president wont change anything that will significantly help us. Our president for a long time has been nothing but a posterboy for freedom that preaches more than they deliver. They may impact our wallets from time to time but the power is in the people... too bad no one realizes that the power in numbers could fix most of our issues. Obama will not be voted in again and who ever goes in after him will blame all of their short comings on him.... its the American way. The same way Obama blamed Bush, Bush blamed Clinton.. etc.. etc.. etc. The only thing these leaders have in common is that none of them have successfully stopped us from slowly digging our own grave. The difference between a good president and a bad one is that a good one is better at brain washing us and hiding the painful truth. Ignorance is bliss should be the next presidents campaign slogan.
  13. My post is copywrited.... I'm going to sue you for using it in your post without paying me first.
  14. Did anyone read about the kids that had on the American flag shirts on Cindo De Mayo? Even the Latin Americans thought the teachers were full of shit. Why are we so butt hurt about everything!!!!!!
  15. I'm no saint but damn if my air poluting car, daily bitching sessions, and 20 pounds of extra fat is actually in the top percent of good Americans Our President basically volunteered to be the coach for a retarded swim team that never learned how to swim. Its sad...
  16. I got the, "If you were not married" bs again a few weeks ago. The girl was so ugly that I bet her birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. (Its and oldy but a goody )
  17. Think Americas bad now... In 20 years it will be controlled by bisexual emos.
  18. V8 Beast


    Common sense is out of style Freedoms are taken for granted Being overwieght and/or gay seems to be the new thing Everyones too busy working overtime to pay off credit cards to raise their own kids People have very little money management skills We bitch and complain rather than counting our blessings Our government steals from us Our family values are weak Our kids are almost to the point where they are going to legally have to wear helmets and knee pads at all times We are so dumb we tear down and destroy things we need to survive like trees and water. We live for today while messing up tomorrow....
  19. Mother nature is pissing in your cheerios
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