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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. What happens if you go to court and refuse to swear on the bible because its against your religion?
  2. Definition of religion... 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. 2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion. 3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions. 4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion. 5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith. 6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice. What Cred05 said is spot on... "These atheists who are doing this "de-baptism" crap have turned atheism into a religion. I dont think atheism traditionally is a religion, just a group to put people in who have no religion." It was it was just a classification of people that didnt beleive in religion, or gods. Now its a group in a lot of places rather than a classification. The more they group and try to force their views on others the more they are acting like the religions they try to disprove.
  3. Just get sleep and eat a healthy diet. Drinking this stuff occasionally is fine...but more and more I see people drinking this stuff like its water. That cant be good.
  4. Only if you let me advertise on the side of your car that they are for sale
  5. I have to agree with Anthony on this one. When I asked if it was a WS6 he should have checked. I have no clue who the guy was, (I've been buying from Dan Tobin for over 8 years) so he had to be new. I dont see any reason for you to lie about what kind of car it is. My point is that is the saleperson doesnt know what he has oI could have very easily used that to my benefit. Do you work at Dan Tobin? Shoot me a pm... I'm up there all the time and an currently trying to figure out what car I'm getting next. I'll have to stop over and say whats up.
  6. I LOL @ U Read it on http://www.truestory.com or even better the a sales person told me it wasnt a ws6. Sorry for trusting a sales person thats in charge of selling the car. So why is the rear bumber out of line with the car? Did your other tech back the car into a wall or does the guy really swing a wrench that hard?
  7. No, and I wont trade for timber or flannel shirts either. Edit: The wife said she will take the food stamps
  8. Stetch meeting? Were they like a bunch of artists or something?
  9. Buy new bolt circles.. It would still cost less than buying new chrome wheels
  10. Did he die instantly? Wow, if he would have be 10th of a second faster or slower he probaly would have survived.
  11. Dammit, I went commando today and just watched this from my phone... Guess I'm not going to be able to stand up for a while
  12. The lug nut special is now a permanent special. I will also include air in all 4 tires at no extra cost!!!!!
  13. I'm starting a "Get Paul an F-body Fund".. who's in? I figure if we raise enough money he will no longer have to live with Lsx envy
  14. Someone that knew what they were doing could leave there with a car and a warranty for under 11k. They mark it up in purpose to get the idiots... I thought you guys knew how stealerships worked Heres how it works... Suggested resale value is $11,500 for a trans am in excellent condition. They are using the ws6 value because it has the hood and are marking the price up. If you point out through the vin thats its not a ws6 then show the suggested resale value minus the rear defects you leave with a car for well under 11k.
  15. Im 3600 without me in it. TA's are the heaviest, firebirds/formulas are much much lighter in comparison.
  16. Saw this at Dan Tobin while working out a deal for a new car. http://www.dantobin.com/VehicleDetails/439264853 Under 50k miles, Black, sticker price is $12999 but as eager as they seemed to get business you could definitely talk them down. The rear bumper at some point in times was hit and is slightly out of line... which means you have a bargaining chip.
  17. If you buy these wheels in the next 20 minutes I will include the lug nuts!!! (wheel locks are included but the lug nuts are normally $500 extra) j/k
  18. These things are $600 a piece brand new!!!!! I'm going to go home shopping network on your asses and allow flexpay!!!!! Yes thats right bitches... I'm letting your broke behinds pay in installments! 2x $325 payments by August 7th and they are yours! ( I keep them until they are paid in full, I dont trust yall all like dat!) I'm getting rid of the Envoy so I really dont need them. Now... BUY MY SHIT!
  19. Sold - Brand new TSP XS Series Camshaft: 233/239, .595"/.603" 112LSA in box Sold -LS1/LS2 Basic Camshaft Swap Gasket Package from Thunder racing. GM Water Pump Gaskets, GM Timing Cover Gasket, GM Timing Cover Seal, GM Valve Cover Gaskets, GM Harmonic Balancer Bolt $390 cam and gasket kit together Brand new cam is $375 and gasket kit was $85. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/valvetrain006.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/valvetrain005.jpg Sold - 98-02 LS1 Patriot "Gold" Dual Valve Spring Kit Brand new in packaging $215 (Normally $255 plus shipping) http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/valvetrain004.jpg I'll be in and out of the hospital this week so If I dont respond to you right aways thats the reason why.
  20. 20'' Chrome MB Motoring Jump wheels w/ wheel locks for less than $200 a piece. 275/45R 20 Grabber UHP tires about 35-40% tread left (good for about one more summer). I paid over $2k for these things 3 years ago. The envoy is on its way back to the dealership in 2 weeks so I no longer need these. $750 http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/envoy/Envoy013.jpg
  21. Didnt you lose money last time betting on him
  22. I drowned out my bed listening to that one
  23. LOL'd² (thats means I lol'd 2 times)
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