So its not this...
Dude, why are you hating on me. My rims are like so totally big and they are like so totally cool and I'm like so totally the man dude! I'm awesome, blah blah blah cowabunga and shit
LOL at Paul leaving a customer compliment.
Nurkvinny does put in work. When I occasionally check the logs I see that he does a lot of work consistently. I'll be sure to put this in his permanent file
We had a fun day yesterdasy, here's a pic from Hals B-day party
He finally got a pony!
...And here's me helping Steve get his birthday present so that he could make it rain at the club
What a day!
I didnt realize this hit so close to home for me. The girl that survived is next door recovering at my babysitters house. Definitely not street racing, just a bad accident that could have easily been avoided. Be careful out there people. She is definitely blessed to have survived and hopefully she gets better soon.