You need to make a good introduction to see CR.
Because some of you really suck ass at introductions and are only posting twice to see the rest of CR, this is for you.
The admins have enabled user reputations. People can rate each other by the quality of their posts, but only once.
So if newbs have a shitty thread introducing themselves, they'll never be allowed to see the rest of the forums. They need a minimum score of ten to be allowed to to continue. Admins rate at ten points per rating, whereas everyone else scores at one point per rating incrementally or decrimentally based on whether that user is approved or disapproved by the person rating them. Some rules do apply:
1) For every year on CR, 1000 posts, or 100 reputation points you have (or a combination thereof), you gain an addditional point of "power" for rating.
2) You must be a regular member (50 posts or more) to be able to rate others.
3) You can only rate five people total every 24 hours, and only another member once. When you rate them, you cannot rate them ever again.
Basically, if your "welcome to me" thread is shit, the members of CR can basically kick you from seeing anything else. Ever. If they like you, welcome aboard.
Want good rep? POST PICS!
Sure, you can show up on here and say hi, I have a car.
Good for you.
Honestly, the members of CR hold the ability to allow newbs to become a part of the community. The quickest way to earn the positive reputation needed to accomplish this?
Post pics of your vehicle(s). You can brag about how nice your Mustang is, or that you have a heavily modded import that runs 12s. Great! Being a group of automotive enthusiasts, we'd like to see your hard work and dedication, not just hear about it.
Also, don't be a douchebag.
FAQ: How to post pictures
Noobs don't welcome noobs
You need to have at least 100 posts AND have been on here for at least three months before posting in anyone else's "welcome me" thread. Breaking this will get you an infraction.
Welcome posts aren't chat rooms
Don't go offtopic in someone's welcome thread - this isn't an AOL chatroom. Keep discussion on point and civil. Noobs that break this rule are likely to get negative rep, making it harder to get on the board. Regular members that break this will get infractions. Remember - enough infractions in a set time frame will auto ban you, so try not to be a repeat offend