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Posts posted by stevethepirate

  1. i get claustrophobic with a cage... theres just something about having it there, strapped on, that i dont like.

    A neck guard probably would have helped zednik. It wont save someone who gets hit in the neck by a shot or anything, but it could be enough to stop your throat from getting slit. (just tried cutting my old neck guard with my freshly sharpened skate....)

  2. good to hear. im about 16 years into snow sports. i started skiing when i was 4, and then switched over to snowboarding when i was about 8. it really is a matter of confidence. some people can learn very quickly. its hard to find anywhere worthwhile on the east coast. i went out to park city, utah this winter. best snow ive found in the US so far (before this, only places ive been to in the states are colorado and the poconos).


    If you have any questions about gear, i would be more than willing to give you some suggestions and guidance.

  3. what a lot of people dont understand is that politicians are full of sh!t. they word their platforms in a way so as to not actually say anything. its really hard to see what a candidate actually wants by what they say.




    they matched me with rudy.... who i fully endorse. romney was in second. i do agree with him on a lot, but not necessarily the main issues that i feel are important for the president.

  4. i would go to his parents calmly first. tell them that you would really just like to get a new tire and forget about it, but you will sue him if need be. most parents dont want to see their kid get in trouble, so they will probably be more than willing to throw you the money to get you to forget about it.
  5. i think i posted about this at the time, but i'll say it again. ohio sucks with snow removal!


    i pulled an all-nighter a few weeks ago to do some work. at 7am, i went out to buy cigarettes. there was about 4 inches of snow on the ground, no attempt to clear it had been made. so i waited until about 9, when there was almost 6 inches, and they were JUST starting to send the salt trucks out.


    here in PA, if it looks like its going to snow, the trucks are ready to go by 4am!

  6. honestly, i think you did the right thing. hindsight is 20/20. anyone can look at your situation and say what they "would" have done... but thats while theyre sitting at their computer. its a different story when youre actually in that situation. you did what you had to do at the time, and it worked out.



    i used to take the subway to school every day in 10th grade. on a crowded subway, some guy bumped into me and when i looked up at him, he said "give me your wallet and your cell phone"... i pretended to be scared, said "OK!" reached into my back pocket, and pulled out a 6" hunting knife. lets just say he could have been in the olympics, because boy did he take off running FAST!

    this was in italy though, and there arent as many violent crimes as there are in the states. I wouldnt do that here, because chances are the guy would have a gun.


    its our instinct though. i was woken up one night at 3 or 4 by breaking glass, my whole family ran out into the hallway confused. they started checking all the windows, while i immediately grabbed my baseball bat and my CO2 pellet gun (that looks REAL) and stormed out the front door. we want to protect our families, and we do what we must, even if it isnt always the best idea.

    (my dog had knocked over some huge vase though, haha)

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