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Everything posted by peck.127osu.edu

  1. my friend just got one and it is sweet but he also said the camera is ok but i just want it and it is only and extra like 100 bucks
  2. uncomfortable huh? why, are insecure about your self or do you enjoy being an ass i thought it was funny and true! but if you dont like it i guess i will deleate it
  3. thanx for the correction!!! youre into computers huh? i was thinking of picking up the Xps m1210 with the built in camera wut do you think of it?
  4. Do me a favor and go play in traffic!! and if that doesn't work try it blind folded
  5. quite frankly i am not sure where your coming from, that is what it says! ITS FROM A MOVIE!!
  6. Dude i already told you old e-mail! i dont go there any more!! p.s. i like the picture, it is odd, and just as bad as some of the "ricers" you guys make fun of on here!
  7. f all i don't have one post, it isn't counting them for some reason! Second of all who is to say that just because someone is low in your posting "ranks" means they dont have an opinion! Just because i have "one" post means that i should shut my mouth?? dont't you have to start some where? i know you didn't sign on one day and have 136 posts so you can take that whole one post shit and shove it!!! as to you I hope your car is fine all I am saying in the one particular incident his car blows! part driver but still, I was not saying that every car they touched is shit, cause like I said the owners car is amazing, and I know some one with an Integra there that is also pretty disgusting, so if you are bothered by what I said I am sorry to offend you but eventually you will get over it!!
  8. yeah i know what the directions said but they just didn't work for me! i think it was a return when i bought it!! but the other one works just fine!!
  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This guy is an :asshole: their site sucks any way!!! i also have a friend that claims his car came from there( i don't know if he is telling the truth) but his car sucks too!!! However i have seen videos of the owners car and it is purely bad ass!!! and i have also heard of it being "taken out" on some random weekends, take it as it is, I still think their site sucks, this one is much better!!!
  10. i just bought one of these and it sucked!!! i couldnt get it to go forward!! so i took it back and bought one for like 62.99 and it has two fans directly devoted to forward movement and it is sweet!!!
  11. this is great, i am from the country and there are idiots out here the dont even know how to drive those "rigs" so how can you expect your city cowboys to know how to drive big trucks this coming from a guy who has never drivin anything longer than a 4door passenger car.
  12. i dont know what that is but i think i need to go to church after that shit!! good god!
  13. lol thanks but it hasent been my email for a while! hope you didnt waste too much time
  14. youtube is just the easiest place to find sweet vids. is that ok with u?
  15. This dude might be the devil, but he does some pretty cool shit!!!
  16. video of the most priceless blow job you will ever see!!!
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