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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. Your 360 controller will overheat and melt your fingers, if you ever type such lies again.
  2. Mopar

    Black Man!

    This is why I don't get into these conversations. Now I get the feeling you are trying to wash away the history of my ancestors by saying: "Hey man, its not even that serious anymore. So why don't you guys quit crying about some shit that happened eleventy billion years ago." You are entitled to your opinion about the subject. Yes there are many successful minorities in todays society, not arguing there. There fact remains no matter how much you try, racism will never go away. As long as it remains it will continue to be a sore spot for minorities. These are my opinions, feel free to respond if you'd like. I will no longer participate in this conversation.
  3. Mopar

    Black Man!

    How does that make them a slave by any means? Were they brought over by force against their will? Were they bought and sold as goods, and not even considered human-beings? You can't say they your ancestors lives, even compared to mine. In history they say the holocaust was the biggest genocide with IIRC 6 million deaths. Imagine how many blacks were killed over the extent of 400 years, that being the socially accepted years for slavery.
  4. Mopar

    Black Man!

    It was a joke for the most part. I can say that I have dealt with racism myself. I don't feel the need to share the situation, because my experience is pretty mundane compared to what I've heard from my grandparents. You act like it was so long ago, segregation was active in some areas of the US until the 1960's. But this is not a topic I want to get into, it goes nowhere fast.
  5. Mopar

    Black Man!

    Correction, I assumed you weren't black. So what now?!?!?1?
  6. Mopar

    Black Man!

    Exactly! Although, I think you slightly missed the sarcasm of most of my post. Its quite understandable, its much harder for me (black man) to convey. Due to my lack of actual education, as I was just passed along with my 'silver spoon' of education, I am not as intelligent as you are to properly express it. Me sorriez
  7. Any issues with lead lol? But seriously, metalworking is a forgotten art. Got any pics of said damage? It might be something that any skilled body man can repair.
  8. Only a handful of jegs employees, should actually be working there. I <3 larry when I need honda stuff.
  9. Mopar

    Black Man!

    Its an odd phenomenon. Even though I don't think it was racist, if I overheard some random person say it, I would feel uneasy about it. Not offended per say, just a feeling that I can't describe well. We have a couple more generations to go to make up for the 400+ years. Still waiting on my 40 acres and the mule, but hey at least we got affirmative action outta the deal
  10. Another reason I could see doing it is because it would take less power to turn, than a 12b or 9in. So that would be mo mphz on teh topside no?
  11. I will be turning you into reynoldsburg pd in the am. Quoted from the police manual: Section 3, paragraph 34- Mutiple lsx vehicles are not permitted on the same property longer than four hours at a time. There will not be a driveway full of fail allowed in the Reynoldsburg district for longer than the designated window. Please use necessary force enforcing this high priority offense.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uum0-bOqEs4 I miss it
  13. If you want to be burned at the stake
  14. Thats all wack and shit. I wanna see some gold gorillas
  15. No dig, no care. See you at the "track"
  16. Yea i'm pretty much over the dragon ball/z phase. Was gt where goku's son was grow up? I saw no super saiyan glowing hair.... weaksauce. Prolly will not see this
  17. Mopar

    Ever been on t.v?

    Quit jacking my thread, you garden ho(e). <---- Look I even spelled it all proper and shit, so your bexley ass could read it.
  18. Much better, I even like black wheels.
  19. Looks like you and this camaro guy is trying to jock my mufuckin' probe. Whats the dealio?
  20. Mopar

    Ever been on t.v?

    That may as well be bexley, I see how tried to make it seem all hardcore and shit by saying main and james. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
  21. Damn got 2 cars specifically built for the lsx crew. I'm beginning to think you don't like them
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