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Everything posted by Mopar

  1. Fuck brookhaven/ridge.... I-high and Northwest cc 04.
  2. Mopar


    ha your getting rick rolled without the video. EPIC but i am to lazy to look up the lyrics.
  3. i'll bring you one with speedy on it, still got your sombrero?
  4. O can i have 2 dragons?? just turn around and growl real mean like...
  5. my shit was mad ill yo, you should change it to an ugly hat party that way zach can wear his red baron era hat.
  6. don't be hating cuz i was already prepared
  7. Almost clicked the link. Now it doesn't work..... oh well I can go without watching it.
  8. Haha that sounds like something zach would do.
  9. Get video of the nanigans, that way we can score it lol.
  10. Damn you scott, you can't even see phil in the pic with me in it.....why post innocent people??
  11. Found it, watch related vids for more..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwaEU21ckd0
  12. You can't thread jack an intro, its the law. GTFO
  13. You still waiting for him to come to bed? Bro-rape?
  14. Mopar

    Tonight 11Pm

    Literally, minus the bush and I wasn't hiding.
  15. Does anyone read stickies before they make an intro?
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