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Posts posted by coupe_no

  1. yup yup i installed some with my brother, oh so spiffy, and they are the best choice unless you heat your house with a boiler, then you would want a heat exchanging hot water tank where the boiler heats a tank of water then continues and heats the house
  2. Possibly find a way to get him on the terrorists watch list.

    no no no! that stuff can land the 'terrorist' in jail someday


    if the victim doesnt mind doing something illegal or going to the guys house in the middle of the night he could let the air out of tires, paint his windows with those washeable markers, poop on his hood, etc...


    spread rumours, make some good photochops, have pizzas delivered to his house, put his number on the net so it can get spammed out the ziggy...


    otherwise craigslist is your friend :cool:

  3. Whats more awesome is that now your trying to argue things we can and have proved.

    my friend, nothing has ever been proven to me except what i can see with my own eyes, smell with my own snout, hear with my own ears, taste with my own tongue, and touch with my own fingertips


    therefore i have concluded your moms chest is flat, she smells/tastes like bacon, she looks/sounds like a gorilla and her offspring has evolved into a more human like creature

    • Confused 1
  4. Go fuck yourself. Go read about SEAL training you fucking prick.

    i have read about SEAL training, they have their respect from me

    he did awesome in the situation he was in but he never should have been put in that situation (lack of backup)

    and i didnt mean he should have died, i meant, with 4 ak47s being shot at him he should have died like his parter (and you cant simply brush it off as beating the odds, maybe the jihad suck at shooting or something), its hard to get that accross on the webz


    cliff notes: first post caused confusion, cleared it up above

    • Confused 1
  5. That shows what a determined SEAL is capable of doing with proper training.

    proper training, ha! they go around in pairs of two hoping to take on the world or something?

    i say its providence, he obviously should have died like his partner, maybe the jihad really suck

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