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Everything posted by hotassAMG

  1. Mr. Hal, I am a teacher and am licensed for PK-3, but teachers who are much older than me can hold a license for different grade levels. Most teachers that I teach with either have a K-8, or a 1-8. The state changes the licensing laws frequently which is a major pain in the ass!!! As for your daughters handwriting, I am very surprised to see that the kids are even given a specific grade on writing. Usually handwriting isn't taken into consideration as a grade by itself, the teacher is usually looking at how well the student can write (such as grammatically, sentence structure etc.). If I was you, I would make sure you communicate your feelings with your daughter's teacher. She might be able to explain her reasoning so that it makes more sense than just looking at it on a piece of paper. Hope this helps some!!
  2. I had an iTrip for my iPod and I did not like it at all! I couldn't use it anywhere in Columbus because there was so much static being picked up from other stations. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I wound up getting the iPod interface (especially since that is what Steve wanted and he is the one that I am buying the iPod for but I guess it just won't be a surprise).
  3. Well, my Mazda 6 just died again. Yesterday I went out after work to go home and when I put the key in the ignition it wouldn't start so I tried again a couple of times and it started. This morning it started fine on the first try, but then once again this afternoon when I left work it wouldn't start for a while but then eventually did after a few tries. After being home for a bit I went out to leave and it wouldn't start at all and now sits dead. When I turn the key it doesn't make any noises at all (like it does when the battery dies and it makes a clicking sound). All the lights work (brightly) as does the radio. I wast hinking that it could possibly be the starter or have something to do with the ignition, but I don't really know that much about cars. Anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone know anyone who works on Mazdas for cheap?
  4. I was thinking about getting my boyfriend an Ipod for Christmas, but I know that he will want to be able to listen to it in his car. His current car does not have a hook up for the Ipod, but I have heard that you can purchase these and install them yourself. I don't want the kind that plays through the radio since they don't really work that well!! Does anyone have any ideas on where and what I could get. (He drives a 2004 Cadillac CTS-V). I would appreciate any help!
  5. I really can't say that I would enjoy calculus...I prefer the younger kids...my license is from preschool through third grade
  6. I am looking to make some extra money this summer and would really like to start tutoring. I graduated in 2005 from Wittenberg University with a degree in Early Childhood Education and have taught kindergarten for two years as well as subbed last year (had two long terms during the year in kindergarten). I really love reading and working with children in this area. I could also help in math if needed. I have a lot of resources available and feel that I would be able to help any child who may be behind or struggling in these areas. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or would like more information. Price would be negotiable. Thanks for your interest, Alyssa
  7. Wow, do you guys even ever get to have sex or do you just beat off all the time because honestly you sound like the biggest losers I have ever heard before!!! GUNS GUNS GUNS, BUSH BUSH BUSH!!!! WE'RE AMERIKANS...GO BACK TO WHERE YOU FUCKING CAME FROM YOU LOSERS!!!!
  8. YA FUCKERS!!!! YOU ALL SUCK FOR BEING SUCH PRICKS...have a great memorial day weekend....maybe you can find time to stop acting like dicks and have fun!!! I know I will be having fun!
  9. no actually asshole, I just wanted to avoid sitting in line waiting to see if the cop might talk to me and tell me to be safe...thanks for the help stupidass
  10. Just wondering if anyone had heard where the DUI checkpoints were going to be tonight? Trying to figure out if it is worth it to go out tonight or not...
  11. You'll have to ask Cadden about that...he knows!!!!!!!!
  12. Hey guys thanks for the welcoming comments...Hopefully I will learn a few things:)
  13. So, I am new...on here because my BF is into cars...as he likes to say, he is the one with the blue dorito (although that thing has been long gone). I would like to learn more about cars so that I know what is going on when we are together at shows and races.
  14. I was wondering if there was any place in Ohio where you could rent exotic cars? The only places on the internet were in California, New York, Floirda, and Chicago. Let me know if you have any ideas. I would like to rent a viper for my boyfriend who used to have one until he wrecked it.
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