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Posts posted by xxdeathmagikxx

  1. i think you all need to calm down. i dont log on here much. I think you should have a meeting place at some nice restaurant. I really wish quaker would let the non ricer people come back. I used to like to eat there to. Meets shouldnt be about going out and racing all the time, i always liked going out to hang out with all of my buddies and shoot the shit about our cars
  2. Im going for Ron Paul. He speaks his mind, not what someone wants to hear. Im definatly not voting for that bitch Hilary (omg i cheated on, vote for me bc you should feel sympathy for me, and my last name is Clinton!). Rudy, fuck him. I want guns!, and he had something to do with 911! Maybe thats why Bush and him are so close? Yes, im a 911 conspiracy therorist. Although NO ONE knows what really happen, they need to have a investigation, how come there was no investigation? RON PAUL WANTS A INVESTIGATION! No one else will want a official investigation. This is all im saying
  3. no luckily, even though i was doing 130 past the sheriff, i got to get off the morse road exit as fast as i could, and get down morse road a bit. What happened? i heard there was a line of cops waiting for us all? Also, i remember seeing a cop blocking the south 270 ramp from morse, so i didnt know what was going on. lol, i just got the hell out of there.
  4. went this past wednesday, AMAZING! the new ride is definatly sweet. Rode every single ride in the park. All the lines was short, it was awesome. Had every ride rode by 8 pm when it started storming. Had a hour lunch, got there at 11 also! the lines were amazingly short, the new ride wait wasnt even an hour, i had a blast. Im going again wednesday july 25th again! its gonna be awesome. :woowoo:
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