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Flyin Miata

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Everything posted by Flyin Miata

  1. Yea that was great, for 2 whole minutes it was just a big black box with an inch on either side of the actual movie. I'm sure they figured that most people who watch Adult Swim could figure out that they played this because it's one of the best worst movies in recent times.
  2. It was directed, written and starred by the guy that they interviewed on Tim and Eric one time, he's one of the worst actors I've ever seen. I also just bought the DVD on amazon because I have a thing for comically awful movies.
  3. http://boards.adultswim.com/adultswim/board/message?board.id=timanderic&thread.id=15030&jump=true Interesting, I watch Tim and Eric all the time but I haven't heard about this movie. Might go DVR it for the next time they show it. Sounds like a pretty weird movie. edit: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368226/
  4. 35,000 dollar handling and destination charge? Jeebus.
  5. You should let CR decide that .
  6. Going on right now, I missed out on the Homer Simpson 4-port USB hub . http://www.woot.com
  7. Flyin Miata


    Good thing I don't run Windows, sucks for you guys .
  8. Yea, because a general location with the color and model of the vehicle, along with the license plate "wouldn't do any good." I'm sure the local police will take any tip they can get if it means they can nab a drunk driver.
  9. Stuff is awful, I had a sip once and it was the last sip I'll ever have.
  10. Actually it's how little he did to it that made me appreciate it. As far as I know it was just a new chip, air intake, some diverter valve from an Audi (N75? don't remember) and maybe a manual boost controller. But with just a few tasteful mods it pulled much harder than stock and was still a nice, quiet daily driver. The lack of mods needed to make it fun is what really got me interested.
  11. Haha no problem, I'm actually glad because I was hoping he didn't get rid of it. That car is what made me appreciate VW's.
  12. Random question, but did you buy this car from a guy in Kent? I have a friend there who has this exact car and is also a detailer, just wondering if maybe he sold it.
  13. If you go to OSU you can search their online archives of scholarly literature through the library website, and you can use them as a proxy to gain access to sites like JSTOR and all those other article places.
  14. This I can agree with. What you said in your first post seemed a little bit overdone though, kind of like calling someone who likes to have a beer or two on the weekends a stupid fucking drunk.
  15. As with alcohol, you will always have people who choose to use the drug responsibly and irresponsibly. Both can be used in moderation without major health problems or personal issues, but obviously when one is using either drug in large doses every day you are going to see some negative effects. Personally I like smoking better than drinking, but they both have their positive and negative effects. Almost everything in this thread has been stated on here multiple times before, no point in arguing over the same points every three weeks. And for the whole not publicizing it idea, I agree somewhat. Around campus it's much more socially acceptable to be an obvious toker, but it's not something I would want to make known when I'm older and have a serious career. Fortunately making burritos in my spare time is far from a serious career .
  16. Possibly one of the funniest pictures I've seen on this site.
  17. I'll take Zeppelin IV, are you on campus at all?
  18. Last one has some halos of light around the car that don't look right, makes the car look like it wasn't originally in the picture.
  19. Flyin Miata


    "If you don't smoke Tarryltons... Fuck You!" The story behind the movie is really interesting though. Fox didn't promote it at all, and it ended up only being released in 125 theaters. Apparently they didn't like the fact that they made of Fox News Channel in it, or that it's scarily accurate to what this country is turning into. The whole anti-corporate theme didn't go over well either.
  20. They aren't even grilled... that in my mind is the real controversy .
  21. I'm not spittin this stuff out it tastes like fruit!!
  22. FWIW, replacing the top isn't as tough as people make it out to be. Can be done in a day easy if you've never done one before, and I've seen some sites selling ones with the frame already attached. Neither way is cheap though.
  23. Yea but I bet it feels like heaven in wheel form.
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