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Posts posted by EJ8 KENOBI

  1. Why don't you actually contribute to the forum first an worry about spamming stuff later.




    Also ur post count is based on your posts in certain sections ie automotive related sections


    I see you've been on here since 07 and all you do is lurk....


    I've contributed thousands of dollars into the pockets of a few members here. And yeah, me posting a WTB car ad is a spamming, your right.


    Anyway, thanks that did answer my question. Back to my lurk hole.

    • Downvote 1
  2. Hey, I'm trying to find out why my post count only increments 1 every like 5 posts I make. I would like to post a WTB car ad in the Corral but that's not possible when my post count is what it is when it should be 5 times that.
  3. If you go the wordpress route (Which is probably the best advice), feel free to ask me any questions. I'm a PHP developer with extensive wordpress experience, along with many other CMS's and Frameworks.
    • Upvote 1
  4. The att 2wires are 1 unit, the modem and router are 1 piece of hardware. Unless you put it into bridge mode it will function as router & modem. In bridge mode it only functions as a modem and allows you to hookup an external router.


    Ah, indeed I fail at reading the OP

  5. the comp. im on now is hooked directly to the modem. I have fully reset the modem/router. I really don't want to bring that computer down and unhook everything just to try it. I used the computer right before i moved it without issue but haven't used the wireless in like a year.


    Who is your ISP? If you PC is directly connected to your modem, the ISP is going to use the mac address of your computer to authenticate (I believe this is how it still works) if you then connect your router to the modem, it's not going to work (This literally just happened to me last week). Hook everything up the way it should be (Reset modem/router by reset buttons or unplugging, let sit for maybe 15-30 minutes) modem->router->pc used a cat5 if wireless isn't working. If you are getting an IP address ping the router (default gateway address). Also, be sure the modem is connected to the WAN port on the router.


    Just a couple things to try, again I had the exact same issue. My problem, modem wasn't connected to WAN port on router (cheap $20 microcenter pos) (dark lit room :p), one of the network ports on one of the PCs was bad, and the ISP had authenticated the wrong mac address (which was my laptop) So I was able to get on the internet via my laptop connected via cat5 but nothing else could.

  6. Personal story time....my brother reached out to Mid-Ohio last year about my family spreading our father's ashes at the track. They not only allowed us to do so, but one of the management team drove up from Dublin to meet us, drive us on parade laps around the track, and allow us to spread his ashes there at a place we enjoyed together for so much of our lives. The management and ownership team there have been nothing short of a class act all the way. Hopefully the new owners realize this and respect it going forward.


    Cool as fuck

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