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- Birthday December 31
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Gearhead wrote... yeah you wanted to run for money, but also wanted to go drive 30 miles, then come back and run.... < yawns then take your bs over on the odra..you realize its still up right? http://ohiodragracers.proboards.com/index.cgi? 1-0..wow, am i suppose to be impressed? what happened? race random civic at a traffic light? Thats right , for money and a true street style drive...whats wrong with that..... your budy's were just scared.. 1-0 Thats for this year , for the past 20 years that would be 144-1 roughly . But the 1 loss im sure of , the win column could vary a few...and my last race was against a turbocharged 68 stang that runs 10.2s@139...and i was running N/A , thats not using my nitrous incase you didn't no what i meant...it stands for Naturaully Aspirated... Gearhead , im still on Akronracing.com if you or any of you slow buds want to lose some money or i'll run for bragging rights...their choice. I have a couple of good spots up here... Alright V8Beast , i'll quit irratating you...
Written by Gearhead... i might just. and i bet just like the last time we was standing face to face, you wont have shit to say, cause we are both nice guys. and even at the track the last time, your boy didnt want to race anything there, claiming nothing there was a street car, and i dont remember that gremlin driving to the track. rob is your shit even done? or you on here nut swinging your boys shit again? Last time we were face to face i did not know who or what you look like and you did not introduce yourself as your screen name from the sites....i know we were the only AMC guys there so you could of took a wild stab by guessing it was the AMC Boyz and told me who you were....your right i am a nice guy who likes to race cars and see who got the baddest car..... Also at the ODRA race we had the guy running (his name slips my mine) it announce we would run for money after a true street drive of only 20 miles and no one stepped up...not only that but it was being talked about on the ODRA site before the event so everyone new we were there to run for money... we have three cars running including mine and I'm 1-0 so far for this year...waiting for the Akron boys to get more of their cars done and tuned in so i can add to my win column. I thought the oven was suppose to be hot....let me in and turn that beeootch up to 500 degrees..
Not referring to you...sorry for the misunderstanding....i'm from Canton and i drive a 71 Hornet and i raced a turbo'd 68 Mustang...
Now your the spell check police...thats funny. With all your talk about cum sucking you should be asking yourself if your in the closet about your own identity... Also if i ever see you again i assure you i will call you a pussy to your face....note to yourself , i go to the Friday nights Chaos at Norwalk..check the schedule..
All yeah , although i like Paul and really did not care to race him but he wanted to... This worthless peace of shit gearhead on the other hand i dislike and is proving to be the pussy i said he was a couple years back on the old ODRA site...
Wow you are truly a weak ass pussy....i win by default.....let me know if your ever willing to back up all the shit you use to talk , until then don't bother replying.
Sure I'll run you for 1k , but not down there when you just said where and when.... and whats up with the homo gay shit ? im not here to bash gays , im here to shut your phucking mouth , so lets hook up in a neutral spot and get it done..
Bring your slow ass up here , and No i don't street race...wouldn't think of it.
Are you ready ? you and slowZ28 are on my list.... Ive seen some vids of some guys down there and there is some fast cars running around...i was busting CRs balls thats all....but gearhead i know your slow..
No...i drive a Hornet , they were made by AMC if you've never heard of them...depending on your age you may not have , they were bought out by Chrysler in 87...
Hey , i was just wondering if there were any fast street cars down that way...probably not Let me in if ya want..
Has been rescheduled for the 26th of this month.
This is from wikipedia on dog attacks.... Breed-specific attacks When dogs are near humans with whom they are familiar, they normally become less aggressive. This is because familiarity with their 'pack members' lowers the likelihood of attack. However, it should not be assumed that because a dog has been with humans, it will not attack anybody - even a family member. Caution needs to be taken when approaching new dogs for the first time. There are studies that claim certain breeds are more likely to attack than others. In a study on dog bites, American and Canadian dog bite-related fatalities from September 1982 to November 2006 by Merritt Clifton titled Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, cited that Pit Bulls were responsible for 65% of fatal dog attacks.[5] Intact males also bite more frequently than females or neutered males. Due to the Pit Bull's breed specific aggression, owning such an animal is not allowed in many European and Australasian countries and in several US and Canadian localities.[6] Owners are usually fined and in some places there may be 2 month jail time, while the animals are put to sleep in most cases. Dog attacks on humans that appear most often in the news are those that require the hospitalization of the victim or those in which the victim is killed. Dogs of all sizes have mauled and killed humans, although large dogs are capable of inflicting more damage quickly. The breed called a Pit Bull though, is ranked at the top of the list for severe dog bites that required hospital treatment or resulted in a fatality. The Rottweiler is ranked second.
Dude , none of those dogs are on the news for mauling and killing people....that was my point on Sam saying they were the best dogs ever.... Sam enjoy your new buddy....