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Posts posted by the_green_beast

  1. I have run into a HUGE snag. My grandfather is moving 100 mile away from columbus to southern ohio, and is in process of moving everything, obviously, including a 57 belair. this car is not cheap to drive as it gets less than 5 mpg. the biggest issue is i have no way to get it down there with the weather being the way it is, this is not ment to be out in the weather, if it is so much as dew on the ground the car will hydroplane. not to mention the <5 mpg's does not make for a cheap trip. if there is anyone out there who may be able to help out with a trailer that will hold an american lead sled, your help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I am in desperate need of (4) rims for a 2004 mustang. The car was stolen and wrecked, when recovered from impound the car was pretty beat up with messed up rims and tires that where all chewed up and distroyed. the rims on the car now are 5 bolt. The sooner i can get my hands on them the better.
  3. My name is John but everyone just calls me Griff. I'm 20 years old and have been into racing my entire life. I drive a 99 Dodge Ram 1500 that all the guys have refered to as the recovery truck, since I'm the one who has to tow or bring needed suppies to fix the f*#$ up. Most of my budies have talked about cr for a while, and I decided to join.
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