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Everything posted by tat2s4u

  1. I have a Cingular Pantech c300. It is a camera phone. I guess the smallest they make but don't quote me on that. Just what I heard. It is brand new so in excellent condition.
  2. To be honest I have never ran a 1/4 yet But sure would like to find out. And that coming from some one that has a "shit stain" for a ride. Gee, go figure. I guess you aint heard the news. A real mans car has half the pistons and twice the cams. Well now you know. :woowoo: Oh by the way...when mine was outta commision it was in the garage and outta the drive way so ha!
  3. Nah just liked the way the name looked Ok only playing. Yes I am a tattoo artist but I didn't wanna mention that part because I didn't want to give the impression that that was why I was on here to try an get business you know. I'm here for the knowledge and the love of cars :thumbup:
  4. Yeah it is a 2g MAS and 2g manifold. It is also a 16g. It has been ported and clipped also. The BOV is vented but would like to get another one some time soon. After market of course. Oh yeah my ABS doesn't even work go figure right. I would like to just get it outta there but never figured out the first step of doing it.
  5. First thanks for the welcoming. Nice to see DSM not getting hated on so much for a change. Makes me smile. From the looks of your pic you are still putting work into your car But thanks for the compliment. My main problem so far has been the darn tranny. To be honest with you chances are you have seen it. I drive all over the place...from Pike County to Mansfield. But I stay in Columbus, so hard saying. not sure of all the upgrades due to the previous owner and lack of communication. But here is a pic.... http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g272/tat2s4u/my%20cars/talonmotor1.jpg
  6. My name is Derrick and I have a 91 Talon TSI AWD. Just wanted to introduce myself. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g272/tat2s4u/my%20cars/talonfrontreg.jpg http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g272/tat2s4u/my%20cars/eaglerear-1.jpg
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