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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. What time is the B10 champ game? I have a toy drive from 11-1ish...
  2. Lmfao@ Muschamp, I can't say that I really blame him honestly. BTW why would they have to sit 2 years? Is there a different rule then what Boren did?
  3. I am really impartial to who he brings in as coordinators as long as the offensive one knows that the forward pass is a legal play in football. I think keeping Fickell would be a good thing as he is the most familiar with the players that will be coming back next year along with the incoming recruits. Plus its not like OSU's defense has been the issue in the 10 years he has been here on the staff. I think Heacock is retiring? If not then I would keep him on.
  4. Lmfao we have to make it public appropriate. I am not wearing a shirt that says CUM on it lol. I will wear the I <3 Urban Meyer t-shirt at whatever game we agree to meet at Bdubs for.
  5. Oh on a side note, not really related to this topic but in a way it is. Jim Boheim (syracuse basketball coach) is a fucking idiot. He came out taking shots at Joe Paterno when the news broke that one of his assistants was being accused of molesting a couple ball boys. Now he is saying it was the right thing for the university to do by firing the assistant...what a bitch! This was his quote when he was defending his buddy "I'm not Joe Paterno" yet his buddy of 40 years is pretty much busted for doing the same shit that Sandusky did
  6. I have moved forward, I just said i'd like a coach similar to him. If you do, I will wear it with great pride simply because I know you spent your hard earned money just to keep me clothed
  7. Thats why they call him the mad hatter. Just imagine if Michigan would've hired him, it'd be The Big SEC lol. Remember Kirk Herbstreits announcement that Michigan had hired Miles, man I was wishing he would say the same about Urban and OSU lol, cause he was dead wrong and looked like a fool on that one.
  8. My point is if you aren't going to let one conference have a rematch in the NCG, then you can't let any!! I was just tossing out a tidbit of info that I found ironic about Urban bitching back in 06. I want a coach like Tressell damnit!! It could be worse, we could have Brian Kelly coming in, you'd really see me shit a brick then lol
  9. Yeah I know Keil had decommited and re-opened his recruiting. Many feel it will be ND that lands him. I have no clue why these top ranked qb recruits go to ND, they haven't produced a good NFL qb since who, Joe Montana? I don't think Urban should pull any offers, that'd be quite the bitch move. These kids were willing to commit to Ohio State when no one else would, not to mention Cardale was activley recruiting kids while at Fork Union (see Michael Thomas).
  10. Fight til the death man, we talked about this a couple weeks ago. Also talked about how can they be the real champion when they tied 1-1 for the year. Maybe this will end up being a good thing and get what many of fans are wanting, a playoff. Or this could be a really bad thing and just opening pandoras box for repeats of this shit every year for the SEC...
  11. His dad is the one that should be getting the credit over there. It never hurts to walk into a situation where you're loaded with talent and a highly ranked recruiting class already in place from the previous guy. I do think USC is on the right path and are a team to look out for next year (no sanctions in place as far as bowl games go). If Barkley stays, then look out they could be really good. That freshman wr they have (woods) is a monster.
  12. OSU still has Cardale Jones coming in, and many feel he is going to be really good. He could redshirt next year, thus giving him 2 years seperation between he and Braxton. I didn't expect Gunner Keil to last at Indiana honeslty, it would've made for a great story but he is too talented to let them ruin his skills lol. I won't be watching the NCG either if its LSU/Bama part deux. The first "game of the century" was lame as fuck and its bullshit that they are allowing this rematch. You know that brings up another point, who was one of the main people bitching about OSU/Michigan possibly having a rematch in 06....why that would be Urban Meyer
  13. I had to do the Gator Chomp while walking down high street (fucking bets). I actually thought Florida was the better team that night and that Urban out coached Tressell. I don't mind a coach with an ego and refusal to be mediocre as long as he is willing to stay and fix the issues, not bail and go into an announcing booth for a year! Phil you're still mad that I wouldn't send you pics of my butthole on FB, don't lie!
  14. So if Braxton is Urbans man then why is there rumors swirling that Jeff Driskel the freshman qb possibly looking into transferring to Ohio State http://blog.blockonation.com/
  15. Michigan State or Wisconsin will lose this weekend there is 1 other game that will help Michigan as well (saw it last night on ESPN). Michigan will end up 14the in the BCS next Sunday night. I need a legit reason not to like someone? That is laughable, i don't like the guy thats reason enough. I dont like his ego, I dont like the manner in which he left Florida, I don't like the fact that he lied and quit on a team twice! Should I continue? I just find it so fucking funny that 2-3 years ago, every OSU fan hated Urban Meyer simply because he beat Ohio State. Now since he is coming to Ohio State he is some sort of fucking god?! It'd be like Cavs fans hating on LBJ but then welcoming him back with arms wide open.
  16. 2-3 losses with 16 returning starters and "the best coach in college football history"? Ok I may have exagerated that last part lol, but that is not a dissapointing season? Ok so we'll give him the 1st year as his "honey moon" year, what happens when Braxton is a Jr with expierence and they go 9-3? Or what if they go 10-2 his senior year? See where I am trying to go here, if Urban doesn't come in and produce with in the first 3 years, he won't last longer then that. The man has an ego and refuses to be mediocre (my reason he left Florida).
  17. BTW Phil, why are you so concerned with Ohio State, aren't you a Michigan fan? You better be concerned about your boys getting blown out of the water by Houston in a BCS game (that appears to be the matchup). Some Oklahoma fans don't like Bob Stoops, does that make them look dumb? I just don't like Urban Meyer, you wanna hear something funny. My wife and I was talking about this yesterday and she said "I remember when you used to love Urban Meyer" gasp!!! Who would've thought there was actually a time I liked the guy lmfao!!!
  18. Wow its easier to get recruits to come to Ohio where its cold 6 months of the year then it is to have them go to Florida where its 70 fucking degrees year round? I never said I would be calling for his head, I said there will be crazy Ohio State fans that will be. Get his players? Ok so we've gone from he'll turn Braxton into a Heisman winner while winning a national title to "he needs time to get his players in the right situation", so which is it, he is either going to win a NC next year or he isn't. If he doesn't it will be looked upon by the media and fans as a bust, wait and see. And I am laughing at the fact that you said he had to compete with 2 other schools, have you actually watched Miami and Florida State? They are and have been fucking terrible for the last 5+ years. Miami hasn't been shit really since 02 and FSU had 1 really good year where they went to the Orange Bowl and played Penn State. I love how people are acting like Urban had it so rough at Florida. I am not saying he won't get kids from Florida, I just wouldnt expect to get the cream of the crop from Florida every year. Tressell was able to land some Florida recruits but not many of them have lived up to the expectations (Im sure you'll find some way to say Urban will make them great)
  19. Urbans hiring is already helping in recruiting I cannot dispute that. A WR that was commited to Miami just flip flopped last night (4star/non burner) and supposedly a couple highly rated recruits are now interested. Thats usually how it goes though, look at Rich Rod's first class, it was pretty damn good. Look at Hokes first class, its pretty good as well. New coaches bring new buzz and new promises. I don't think a coach sells Ohio State, Ohio State sells its self! For being such a messed up season and not knowing what sanctions are going to be in place this years class was pretty solid even before the Urban hiring. I am interested in seeing how this class closes out. Next years recruiting class (2013) is supposedly loaded and has several 5 star players highly interested in Ohio State already. I think many of them would've chose OSU regardless of who the coach was. I am interested in seeing what players/recruits OSU loses due to the Meyer hiring.
  20. What people fail to realize is Fickell is one of the best recruiters for Ohio State, has been with the program over 14 years as a player/coach, is well liked by current players. The only knock on Fickell is the fact that he took a cluster fuck of a season and did what anyone else would've done, went 6-6. Like I said a few days ago, a made extra point, Herron/Posey back for Nebraska and a play here or there and this team is 10-2 maybe 11-1 and we aren't even having this discussion. He was also helpful (along with Heacock and other D-coordinators) in providing us OSU fans with some pretty damn good defenses. What happens next year if OSU goes 7-5? No one seems to want to answer that question. If Meyer doesn't come in and win a NC right off the bat then some crazy fans will be calling for his head wait and see. What happens in 2-3 years when all these freshman are seniors with a ton of expierence and they go 9-3/10-2? If Meyer doesn't win a NC within the first 3 years he will be on the hot seat in the eyes of most fans (not saying the university will feel the same way). If you thought expectations were high in some of Tressells years, imagine what they will be like now. People will be expecting OSU to put up 60 a game, hell i'm already seeing it on my facebook lol. Harbaugh is a really good coach and should win COTY honors, but it will be close between he and Marvin Lewis (Bengals). I think Hoke is an idiot for calling OSU "ohio", however if he can lead Michigan back to being relivant then great. I love watching Michigan/OSU when both teams are solid and actually playing for something outside of bragging rights.
  21. Roflmao 20 years, wow thanks for making my morning start with some laughter Sure he might be saying that, what else would he say "I'm gonna be there til Braxton graduates", no way in hell does this guy last 20 years, 5-7 will be pushing it. Thanks for the tidbit though, it did make my morning better. BTW if his plan is to stay 20 years, say goodbye to Fickell.
  22. So lets play guess who wrote this, Me or Pat Forde lol: "The "Urban Myth” line has been worn to a nub with Urban Meyer, but it’s never been more fitting than now. here’s the mythology meyer has tried to sell us: that a certifiable coaching freak could make a clean break from football for a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle and more time with the kids. He tried it in 2009 with a sudden and stunning retirement announcement. Florida released a statement that included this sentence from Meyer: “I have ignored my health for years, but recent developments have forced me to re-evaluate my priorities of faith and family.” More From Pat Forde Urban Meyer should be announced as the next football coach at Ohio State at any time. (AP) The re-evaluation took one day. His urgent health issues disappeared so fast, the joke was that his messianic quarterback, Tim Tebow, cured him. It was one of the shortest retirements in sports history. Then he tried it in 2010, abruptly retiring again, with this as part of his statement: “At this time in my life … I appreciate the sacrifices my 24/7 profession has demanded of me, and I know it is time to put my focus on my family and life away from the field.” The focus on family and life away from the field began to blur after less than a year. Because he’s coming back – again. Expect the official announcement at Ohio State to happen anytime. This isn’t the least bit surprising, though it might have jolted those who most want to believe him. Two Florida sources told me they expected him to stay out of coaching for a long time – “three or four years” one said – in a sincere effort to regain some balance in his life. And as the mess that cost Jim Tressel his job got worse last spring and speculation about Meyer intensified, one of his daughters sent out a strident Tweet saying, “HE IS NOT repeat NOT, GOING TO OHIO STATE.” Except now he is, not even waiting long enough to hear what the NCAA sanctions will be on the program he’s inheriting. The guy who wanted to slow his life down has gone full-speed ahead back into the job. Buckeyes fans are in a justifiable tizzy over landing a superstar coach with two national titles. But Meyer’s phony retirements have damaged his credibility along the way to his new multimillion-dollar gig. When Meyer stepped down last December, I caught a lot of heat from Florida fans for writing the following: “So you’re Urban Meyer. … And maybe you really are filled with middle-aged regret about living an unbalanced life that leaves too little time for your wife and kids. So you do this. You listen to the family this time around. You walk away from one of the two best jobs in your profession (Texas is the other) at somewhere near the peak of your career. … You’re Dick Vermeil of the college game, and the pursuit of glory no longer justifies the grind of getting there. “If those things are true, and Meyer is ready to enter a rewarding new phase of life as a paternal bleacher creature, watching his three kids play sports, so be it. Wish him godspeed and good health. … “But if Meyer suddenly shows up in Denver to coach Tebow, he’s a con man of the highest order. If he changes his mind and comes back to Florida before it hires someone else, he’s a diva even [brett] Favre would disdain. If he takes another job a year from now, his family will know once and for all where it ranks in his personal hierarchy of needs. “Guess we’ll wait and see who the real Urban Meyer is.” We didn’t have to wait long. And I suspect that some of the Florida fans who were mad at me last year for not buying the company line are mad at their former hero now. The real Urban Meyer is a guy who forfeited believability a few conflicting stories ago. He was sick, then he was healthy, then he was sick again … and now apparently he’s fine just in time to take a Cadillac job in his home state at a school he grew up revering. What wonderful timing. What really made Meyer sick at Florida? I have some guesses. Watching his top-ranked, undefeated team get crushed by Alabama in the 2009 SEC title game made him sick. Losing five games the next year and enduring the first disappointing season of his career made him sick. Looking at recruiting classes that didn’t stack up on the field the way they stacked up on paper, especially five-star quarterbacks and receivers, made him sick. [Related: Dan Wetzel: Brady Hoke delivers Michigan victory as rivalry with Ohio State ramps up ] Like many other great coaches, losing kills Urban Meyer. The defeats are far more painful than the victories are enjoyable – which proves to be a powerful motivator to do everything possible to avoid defeat. When the bottom fell out at Florida after Tebow and coordinators Charlie Strong and Dan Mullen left, the thought of selling a spoiled fan base on a protracted rebuilding process might have been enough to make a man ill. So he bailed on Gator Nation at the first sign of professional struggle. From there he went to ESPN, where TV work also is not ideal for family life. At Florida, there were six or seven home games every fall; in TV, there are none. I was on a flight with Meyer one Saturday this autumn, and he was schlepping his carry-on luggage (complete with Gators logo) through the Atlanta airport just like the rest of us. Being king of a college town is better, right? There is every reason to believe Meyer will be king in Columbus. It’s harder to win a national title there than at Florida, but easier to win your league. And the one thing Ohio State must do to compete with the SEC kingpins – sign some Southern speed and athleticism – should be easier now that they’re coached by a guy whose name still resonates with recruits in Florida. Urban Meyer will win big, all right. But his credibility is only an Urban myth."
  23. I clicked on this thread thinking I would see Tiger Woods vs 3.5 million white girls with eating disorders...
  24. One can only hope That will be after wins 5 national titles and Braxton claims his 4th Heisman though hehe
  25. If I am Fickell I tell OSU to go fuck themselves and head off to be a head coach elsewhere. I wouldn't go from head guy to second fiddle, its like going from CEO to janitor. Thats just my opinion and if Fick stays then I am ok with that as well. Notre Dame was 8-4 with the only impressive win being over Michigan State. Other then that they beat the likes of Pitt, Purdue, Air Force, Navy, Wake Forrest, Maryland and Boston College. I hate how they are loved by the media based off what they did pre 1990 lol. Who's to say Richardson would have 4k yards in the B10? Who's to say Ball wouldn't have the same numbers playing in the SEC. That right there is where most of my hate for the SEC comes from, sure LSU and Bama have good defenses, but hardly anyone else in that league has a fucking defense this year. Yet all you hear about is how fast and how tough or how big and nasty the mighty SEC is. I will root for whoever beats an SEC team in the NCG. I miss the days when the SEC was an after thought! Yes there was a time when the SEC wasn't the be all, end all football conference. I hate preseason rankings as well, I think we've talked about this before. I believe I stated that whats even dumber then college pre-season rankings, is crowning a national highschool champion via rankings.
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