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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Surprised your back bumper has not melted off yet with all the fire on de-cell


    Oh and nice video and way to do work.


    That fire on decel was not supposed to happen and never does. Something went haywire after that run and my throttle, AEM or TPS went crazy and decel fuel cut didn't activate.

  2. Damn your car moves out ... sucked there was cars in front you guys most of the time.


    I think it just seems that way in the videos from all the comments I keep reading. I never once had to get on the brakes hard my entire time there nor did anyone I raced.

  3. If I had to guesse what ecu they plan on using I'd say it's the new AEM Ecu that's not out yet. Reason I say this is thats is Eric Hargetts home platform (AEM).


    Highly doubt that. Inifnity X has been out for a bit now and running in a few Supras, in fact I have the 270pg manual for it! EPA has not stopped it, my good buddy from AEM would have told me after seeing this abortion of an unveiling I showed him last night.

  4. Wow... Just finished this thread and I dont have the words to describe. After watching that horrible unveiling video I figured I should read this thread.


    Best YouTube comment "2000HP, no Dyno sheet, no start up, 3000+hours? Really? My Evo is also a space shuttle that is fueled on stem cells. It's exhaust cures cancer. I'd start it up and prove it, but the EPA is hiding in the bushes and has not given me permission. For now, I'll just put some "Stem cell EVO 5000" badges on and call it a day."


    Dwiggs I really hope you bring your junk to TX2K13, if the EPA doesnt let you start it then just push it out of the trailer so we can all laugh at it. You need to stop using internet calculators to build AND race cars. A v-box race, really? Why are you even building the damn car? You already won on paper right?


    I really hope you finish the car because thats the only way you will learn and realize just how stupid all your posts are. When and if you do finish it let me know I'd be happy to do a 40 roll against your RWD 2000hp Murci, just dont forget to put some clamps on those couplers and plug in the loose connectors in your debut video. I dont want any excuses.

  5. I dont know how well most of you knew him but it doesnt take long to be around him to know what a good guy he was. You can ask a person who met him and talked to him for 5 minutes and they would tell you hes a great guy. I remember in Akron one weekend we got hungry and went to find food, finally found a Mcdonalds and he bought a bunch of food and just gave it out to people who stuck around for the fun. He would always ask me if I wanted anything from the gas station anytime we went to fill up. I usually said no but he still got me something and never expected a penny back from me. During the winter storm he would text me and tell me he was going out to help out people who got stuck on the side of the road. He would lend money to anyone who needed it even if he didnt have any to spare. I bet a large portion of the members here borrowed money from him and still owe him money, he never asks for it back. Its yours to keep now I guess. He treated my family as his own. My little brother who is like 7 always asks me when he would come over next so they could fight. My sister has gotten creeped out by noises one day when being home alone and he came over with a flashlight to check it out. I took 2 trips to Texas with him and had the best time of my life with him. When I moved away my sister told me he was pissed at me for moving away, maybe things would have been different if I was there. I will always remember him and today I lost the best friend I ever had. Things will never be the same.



    He was driving his LS1 mustang. Might ring a bell for some of you.



  6. I'll be there next year. That johnvon guy is getting tore up on psychobike.. The dudes with monster bikes are talking about rolling down next year.


    Tore up by people who probably know nothing about the situation. John is a good guy, he could have been like any other person who lost a race and start listing his excuses, but he took it like a champ. BTW it wasnt him who flipped the bike.

  7. Had a great time, its getting better every year. It didnt end to well for me this year but I will be back with more.
















    Happy Birthday to me















    No regrets going. Had a blast.


    It was just the engines time to go. Logs looks good, nothing came loose. Just mechanical failure from what I can tell.

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