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00BlackWS6 last won the day on January 8 2009

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About 00BlackWS6

  • Birthday August 31

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  • Location
    Grove City
  • Vehicles(s)
    2000 Pontiac Trans Am

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You know what I never said anything about a street race and I dont really give a crap about a good intro, I said what I had to say what else can I tell you my address? I didnt come on here to make enemies, If I came off the wrong way sorry. If you guys all forgot im a newb to this site. And I know there are faster cars than mine on this site and i know guys that would probably blow your cars doors off, so lets keep it friendly.
  2. I dont have hurt feelings, I can take jokes. Im here for one reason and I dont plan on going all day arguing. I understand there are rules and thats fine I agree with that. My cousin tuned my car but it does need tweaked a little more it still has a couple dead spots down low.
  3. Hey Johnny Bravo you try so hard to be funny but your not. Way to reflect on my cousins memory? Welll let me reflect on what is gonna be left of your memory an ASSHOLE. You know what If i knew this site had assholes like you on it I probably wouldnt have even joined. I thought this site was to communicate about cars.
  4. Yea that was me, small world. I think I stopped back by and checked your car out, nice car.
  5. think I speak for all of us when I say we're sorry for the loss of your cousin. I think I also speak for a large portion of the people here when I say that one-upmanship stuff like that is lame (e.g., "Hey, I'm George's cousin - don't be mean to me!") and will get you flamed even more. Martyrdom doesn't go over well here. Look, your introduction fucking sucks and so does your ability to hold your hand still while taking a picture. Work on both, try not to whine in the process, and things will go a whole lot smoother for you. __________________ Well I thought the introduction would go a little smoother because a lot of people knew my cousin, so if you want to put it that way like im a little kid scared to get flamed on then fuck off because its not like that. And look you fucking suck so fuck off, I would like to see your introduction? And you need to work on your attitude and try not to complain about someones little introduction get a life and dont just sit on the internet and try to down people. I dont give a shit how smooth this goes Im here to talk to people about cars not to talk to dickheads that think there cool, because they talk shit on the computer.
  6. check the edited post on the first page
  7. yea im defintely white, probably was me cruising thanks
  8. I didnt say it exempted me from a good intro........................ did I ? I have a set of pacesetter headers a mild cam slp mass air meter texas speed ory mti clear air lid and thats about it, good enough? and a textralia 0z700 clutch being installed with a torqure arm and some stickies.
  9. Well before you start trying to flame me I am george statons cousin. I cruise campus here and there but right now my car is getting a clutch install. If my car sucks so bad why dont we line em up.
  10. Name is James and I own a 2000 Pontiac Trans Am. Its got some bolts on and small stuff. I am originally from Columbus and I am 20 years old. http://a503.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/72/l_f9239be0b4fd6ce7806f3cadf7a79a36.jpg
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