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Posts posted by hotcorvmamma

  1. Who are you? Where did u come from. Yeah mods please delete this thread!!!


    I'm kind of doing what she is doing that's all. I hate to see people get trashed from the 3rd party that's all. I'm not the one talkin shit anyways so really it shouldnt matter right???

  2. Though I'd had no plans to post again, I am posting this for the aforementioned friend, who is in the middle of exams and just found out about this post today (she hadn't picked up the email I'd sent her until then).


    "Please post this so that there's no confusion between anyone. I don't really have any desire to join the website, so just post it for me. Thanks!


    To whomever reads this;


    I had no idea my friend would take it upon herself to try to correct a problem I'd mentioned having, nor did I ask her to. I appreciate it millions that she felt like protecting me, but it didn't go about in the way I would have chosen.


    Whatever the deal is with Rolla, I hope it gets worked out in his personal life. As for work not yet done, he and I will work it out when he calls on Monday. While I wish he had let me know weeks ago what was up, now I know and now it'll get dealt with between he and I, just the way the contract was between he and I.


    For the record, I was always hoping it was something bigger and not the "theft" that it appeared to be to those who don't know him that have heard my frustrations. Not that I'd want there to be something wrong in his life, of course, but I'd have hated to find out that he wasn't at all the decent guy he'd appeared to be.


    As for everyone else, I really don't have any comment.


    Like I said, it wasn't an issue of my hiding behind someone, it was a friend doing what she thought was right by trying to help me out. I hope that her comments here don't cause issues with Rolla when I see him very soon to get the rest of the work done.


    As for me, I have 3 jobs, 2 volunteer efforts, and full-time school, so you won't likely ever hear from me on your website. I wish everyone well, I hope you are all keeping warm, and please PLEASE remember never to drive tired. (www.drowsydriving.com)"


    Do you think by posting this is changes the minds of anyone on here about how they feel about you? It never should have been you on here talking about this in the first place. To me it just makes you look worse....

    "everyone is mad at me, please tell them is was you and not me." :rolleyes:

  3. the issue is clearly over from my standpoint... I do hope he understands my friend's frustration and why she might wonder if he disappeared on her.


    I hope that they get it worked out ASAP and that the lesson is learned not to take someone's money if you don't have the time to do the work.


    Everyone enjoy your evening, I'm going to go read previous posts about vehicles like mine and try to learn some things!



    Here is something I would love to teach you.... dont talk shit about people and their business! I get the whole I'm just trying to help my friend out and stuff how about tell her to be a big girl and do it her self. And even better not broadcast it all over a website when really you dont even have the actual facts about the situation. just my .02.

  4. " I trust you!"


    *then goes to work get's on line and post this kind of shit*




    I hate when women say " Most of my friends are guys...I don't get along with other girls." Loose translation: I slept with, or tried to sleep with all my former friend's boyfriends because I need attention.


    Or..."he's like a brother to me." Your "brother" would fuck you in a heartbeat...idiot.




  5. I am willing to entertain this, I need proof of passport, recent photo and a notarized letter stating you are willing to be the little spoon.... ;) PM me if you are really interested.


    My friends are not getting the real impact of this, free air, free hotel, meals paid for...



    So I forgot to ask.... did you want a real pic or my recent halloween pics??? LOL :p

  6. Alright, I will pm you later when I'm not at work the better pics are on my home computer... ;);)


    I have to admit your friends are crazy, really I think that would be a nice little trip.... and whatever it's free!!!!

  7. People need to stop getting so butt hurt over comments or visual objects. I'm offeneded by this, or I'm offeneded by that. Do everyone a favor by shutting the fuck up and going about your own shit rather than blowing stupid shit out of proportion. This goes for all walks of life. Minding your own business is the way to go.


    Now just if everyone would do that.... which you know as well as everyone else will never happen. I think it is physically impossible for some people to mind their own business!!! Just think how simple life would be if stupid things being blown out of proportion didnt happen...... like I said earlier it is something that is never going to go away. I dont know how many times in life I have been totally offended by something and just kept my mouth shut because really what does it get me to say...."ouch you hurt my feelings..." not a damn thing!!

  8. I'm in the opposite spectrum. I think this shit is nasty.


    The initial taste is not bad, but the aftertaste makes me wanna puke. I think it's the processed milk they use.



    Had to see what all the buzz was about as well.. It was gross!!! I will just stick with my panera coffee!

  9. Unless you where like me, and one of a few white kids that grew up predominantly black schools and then the thoughts and fears of the gangsters would be real. The bottom line is every one can be offended by something. I think "we" need to grow up and quit the whole " I am a victim" thing.



    Best sentence on this thread...The bottom line is every one can be offended by something. Actually best quote imo.


    And in all reality the whole I am a victim scam will never go away. That is here to stay! Sad but true.

  10. There is that place on Hamilton that has been there for 320283 years with the old mustang always parked on the side of it. No idea if it is open or anything about them. But

    the Mustang looked nice. :)



    That place is still there. It is next to a carwash. and they are really, really good. They fixed my tv in one day. and very good prices as well.

    Rainbow TV-VCR repair. 3476 S Hamilton Rd 237-8875. :)

  11. Skybus is great. They just added flights into South Carolina as well. They did however take away flights going to San Deigo and also one into (i think)washington! Went to Flordia not to long ago and got my ticket for 10$ who can complain about that!!!
  12. oh i'm in no means saying i would trust the man!!! I'm just saying i like the idea. It should not be one sided is all i'm saying...meaning both men and women can take care of protecting themselves...that's all i was saying. Regardless of if a women wants to have unprotected sex a man still also does not have to either! And pill or not condom or not if you lay down your BOTH responsible!!!
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