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Everything posted by ElPurtre6886

  1. thanks a lot guys ill have to check into the injen one. seems like that is the best bet. just gotta wait until i get some spare cash.
  2. I have had my si since last october and am looking to put a CAI on it. I have read and heard numerous things. I have heard that a short ram is no good because it might be taking in even hotter air than the stock intake leading to a hp loss. The best thing i have seen so far and have been told about it the Injen. The gains look pretty good and i hear that its suppose to make the engine, especially VTEC louder. My only worry is the possibility of drowning the engine. I have only heard one case of this from a friend who accidently hit a massive puddle. He said it drove home but didnt drive great. I guess he got the water out to problem. But i would rather not have to worry about. If anyone has some feedback or another suggestion please let me know. Much thanks.
  3. me too. thanks man. im going to take the old starter out tomorrow and replace it. hopefully it fixes everything.
  4. i had a power window problem with mine. i had to replace the motor regulator and tracking. the thing is, if it is just your regulator, you have to buy both the motor and the regulator. i had a motor but no regulator and could not find a place that sold it by itself. maybe a junk yard or something would have it.
  5. yup thats the sound alright. i was at the gas station earlier and it grinded real bad and i swear everyone looked at me like i was sitting their grinding gears. looks like im going to have to take out the starter and check it out. thanks guys.
  6. My 96 z28 gets a really bad grinding noise when starting. It only does it sometimes. Mainly when it is cold. I havent got into checking the starter yet, but i think it could be a combination between that and the ring gear of the flywheel. It still turns over, but sometimes it takes a few tries. Anyone think this could be the problem? If so, do you know how big of a job the flywheel is? Thanks.
  7. I have decided to sell my camaro. it has 72k miles, 6speed manual, red, with a lot of extras. it has a new block with about 7k miles on it. i recently replaced the water pump. it has hooker long tubes with a qtp cut out. it has the intake off of a corvette with functional hood. i have an ad on craigs list with pictures. give me a call or respond back if interested. 614-286-9732 http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/428510034.html
  8. I am looking at buying a new honda civic si. something with a little better gas mileage and something new.
  9. I have decided to sell my camaro. it has 72k miles, 6speed manual, red, with a lot of extras. it has a new block with about 7k miles on it. i recently replaced the water pump. it has hooker long tubes with a qtp cut out. it has the intake off of a corvette with functional hood. i have an ad on craigs list with pictures. give me a call or respond back if interested. 614-286-9732 http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/428510034.html
  10. i put some headers on my old truck and the bolts they gave me with the headers were crap. i replaced them with those stage 8 bolts and they never leaked again. its not hard at all to replace them, its just a really tight fit to get in there. when you put the new ones in just make sure to use locktite or something. use the one that makes them hold, but not permanently hold because you never know if you might want to take them off for some reason.
  11. haha yeah that was me. corey sold me the o2 sensors and ran the code. but yeah idk i checked all the wires and the plug on cylinder one, which runs the leanest, was fine so i think im just gonna take it back to ips and see what they can do.
  12. ok well i changed the o2 sensors then disconnected and reconnected the battery. the ses light was gone (of course) then came back on flashing. i scanned it and the only code i got was the random multiple cylinder misfire. all the other codes were gone. so i have no idea why my cylinders are misfiring if all the plugs and wires are ok.
  13. i live up off of schrock road and cleveland ave. yeah i figure the big thing is replace the sensors and go from there. i mean for the first few days it was running great up until the light started flashing. so maybe the sensors did go bad, who knows.
  14. the car has been running shitty. sometimes it seems like the car is running fine but other times it shakes real bad and seems to be lacking power so im guessing its the misfireing thats causing that. now it seems the check engine light is flashing constantly. all the plugs and wires are fine so i guess ill just replace the o2 sensors and go from there. it just sucks because i never had a problem with them and now that i put 1500 into the headers and cut out, now im having problems. in my opinion i thought they would be responisble for this. not the o2 sensors being bad but if that doesnt work i think they should fix it. i mean do i have to get it tuned? they acted like if i replace the sensors the codes should go away.
  15. thats the thing i just took it back to them to check out after the light came on. they said it was maybe the o2 sensors because they looked old. so idk what they are going to do. all i know is i have to replace the sensors and if that doesnt work then idk. never would have expected headers and a cut out would give me such a problem
  16. whoa im not second guessing anyone. i was just told multiple things from ips. first it was the check engine light flashing was only a warning, then it was the light should always flash until the car is shut off, then it was the light will only flash when a cylinder is misfiring. alls im saying is i just spent 1500 bucks and i dont want o go blow another 120 for a few o2 sensors. i was just asking for an opinion.
  17. I just got a set of hooker long tube headers put on my 96 z28, as well as a qtp exhaust cut out. i drove it and as i was leaving ips a check engine light came on. i drove it for a few days thinking the sensors would get used to the work done and the light would maybe go out. a few days later the check engine light started to flash. i ran the codes and had 2 o2 sensor codes, an egr flow malfunction code and a random multiple cylinder misfire code. the egr was removed so i ignored that. ips says that the plugs are fine and that the o2 sensors might be going bad and to replace them. that is the reason the cylinders are misfiring because the o2 sensors has it running to rich. ips said that if i changed the o2 sensors the only code that should be left is the egr code. do you think this is the problem and should i spend the money to replace the o2 sensors? please let me know what you think.
  18. thanks all. ill try to get some pics on here a sap.
  19. thanks for the help. i just checked with my friend and he has a scanner that will read abs so ill check that out. which sensor do you think it is? i mean which one was it when your brakes did that at the track?
  20. hello I am new to the columbus racing, so i thought id say whats up to everyone and introduce myself. i am Chris. im 19, well 20 in a few days, and am from the northside of columbus, by polaris. i drive a red 96 Z28. i have a few mods done, including an intake off of a corvette and a functional hood. i also have a muffler. why idk lol. the person i bought the car off of just put a muffler on it for the sound. i am taking my car to IPS tomorrow to have some headers and a cut out put on it. i looked for a long while for a 6speed z28 and finally came across one so i had to buy it. i had a v6 one bout 3 years back and had to get rid of it. but yeah it would be cool to get to know some ppl here so just thought id say hey.
  21. I have a 96 Z28. About 3 months ago i was cruising on the freeway right around 70mph and my light came on. it stayed on for a few days and went off. i then was sitting at a light about a month later with my foot on the brake and the low trac light came on and the brake pedal went to the floor. i eased off the brake and the low trac light went off and the abs light came on and the brakes worked fine. since then the light would come on and off randomly. sometime when i would hit a big bump and other times when i had low trac. Now in the past 3 days i have had the brake ease to the floor, just like when i sat at the light a few months ago. i was told it might be a wheel speed sensor. but that really doesnt explain the brakes going to the floor and then returning to work normally. if anyone has an idea about what this could be, please let me know. i hope its nothing serious. i just dont want to spend the money to get it checked out if it is something small. advance auto parts said their scanner wouldnt scan abs and i would have to go to a dealership which i dont want to do.
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