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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Wow is all I can say. http://wimp.com/realhorsepower/
  2. Cool appreciate it. Does it look like there's any hope for it to look decent?
  3. Just got home and 2 deer were standing in the yard. Grabbed my phone and snapped off several pics but this was the better of them. Looks awesome on the phone but as you can see the image quality blows in full size. So is any body able to shrink it down to size (preferably along the lines of 1366 x768 but keep the ration correct) and tweak the coloring? I'd like to possibly use it as a background if it looks good enough at that size. Also feel free to edit how you'd like if you decide to play around a bit. Oh and for Not Brian and others who love MS paint, make me proud. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Deer.jpg
  4. Scared the crap out of myself doing it. I slipped one day and almost fell. I caught myself after dropping about 3 feet. Never tried it after that.
  5. nevermind then. I'd need quick turn around time
  6. How much would ur friend charge if I had him port it
  7. As soon as my tax return comes in I'm going to be doing a tear down on the car to fix a couple issues and mod. Planning on porting the TB, supercharger, and lower intake manifold. I have the grinder for removing larger parts but will need the dremel, flapper wheel, and porting bits. So what do u guys suggest as far as tools to get the job done. Don't want to spend a fortune but want decent tools that i wwont have to worry about.
  8. I rmemeber when I was 8 we had a 20 foot ceiling and I could climb the hallway walls and pin myself against the ceiling
  9. Did somebody mention Gixxer cart? Oh wait. I just did
  10. The winners hair cut alone made the video worth it.
  11. This dad's got them trained good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=n_gbnp0rVlQ
  12. I got smart and sobered up before bed. No hangover but I'm tired now. And T-minus 28 minutes till work.
  13. This was brought up on another forum I'm on because someone just watched Paranormal Activity. So what honestly scares you/freaks you out? One of the creapiest things I've found is being at the edge of a wood line at night. Like in the movie "The Village". We were at a friends one night and we were all around the bond fire but about 100 feet away was the wood line. I had to piss so I got up and walked out there by myself. About midway through I got this weird notion that something was watching me and the next thing I know something came crashing through the woods just out of sight. Scared me half to death and I sprinted back to the fire. Ever since then I still hate being at the edge of a wood line at night. If I'm in the woods I'm fine. My eyes adjust enough to where I can see around but just being at the edge and not being able to see in them freaks me out. Even still I scare myself some nights getting out of my car and I make a mad dash for the house cause my backyard is on a wood line and I can just imagine something bolting out of the woods at me.
  14. That's pretty sick. Love hearing people incorporate other sounds than the normal strings on guitars. Another unbelievable artist is Phil Keaggy. Got to see him in concert when I was probably 12 and still one of the best I've ever heard.
  15. Benner

    Tilted Kilt tonight

    Agreed. The food is actually good at the TK. Too bad I'm sick or I'd go.
  16. Can't go wrong with HTC. I love mine. Had it since June (IIRC) and it's still just as fast as 90% of the smart phones out there.
  17. Yeah but the SSD makes it so much better. I'm running a 64gb SSD in my laptop now and I never want to go back. Programs boot so much quicker. I can do a restart and be back in action in about 25 seconds.
  18. Wonder how long it'll take for android to make an appearance on it
  19. How do you see others rep? I've looked a couple times but I must be missing it.
  20. Well it's been a really long 2 weeks. Haven't been feeling good lately so I'm taking it easy. Only hit the gym maybe 3 days each week. But I've still lost 4 pounds the last 2 weeks and am down to 299lbs. Another 60lbs by summer and I'll be happy.
  21. I puked the first time I tried P90X. I was 320lbs at the time and hadn't done anything as far as working out for several months and tried to keep up with everything possible.
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