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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Never seen them but that's pretty kickass
  2. Upgraded early 2 times now. Still had 9 months when I ordered my incredilble.
  3. Benner

    Dear Hangover

    Still feel like crap. Headaches gone but just have that whoozy feeling left. That's the worst part of it all.
  4. Benner

    Dear Hangover

    Took 3 ibuprofens this morning. Too late though
  5. Benner

    Dear Hangover

    My list of drinks I can remember Multiple shots of wild turkey multiples of Jose cuervo Adios Mother Fucker Belgian waffles Alot of miller lite And I'm sure more was involved but I can't remember
  6. Benner

    Dear Hangover

    Dear Hangover It's been a while since we've last met. Things have gone well for for me since then. I thought we had gotten over each other, but evidently I was wrong. My life has been better off without you but still you insist on coming back into my life like a headache that won't go away. This is the last letter I'm sending your sorry ass. Fuck you you piece of shit. I have a great night and then you show up the next day like a damn 5 year old that wont quit asking question. Leave me the hell alone. Yours truly Benner
  7. Benner

    late notice 6/5

    Interesithner' in
  8. Benner

    late notice 6/5

    Sorry ladies. Heading out to the bars in a bit.
  9. cool thanks for clearing that up. + rep for u
  10. Haven't played much since thursday night, but Carnival is hella fun. I post up in the rocket with a tar-21 and own.
  11. What is HTC sense? See all the phone reviews ab out it but never actually saw what it was
  12. Waiting on mine. Supposed to be shipped the 14th
  13. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/129153240034455666.png
  14. thats a wicked little car right there.
  15. Well damn. There's your money back plus a ton more for the macbook I sold u. Nice find
  16. Exactly, Mercedes guy is exactly like corvette guy but only to other Higher profile European cars. "No offense Doc"
  17. Holy Hell I wanted to kill him the whole time. Every 5 seconds he paused for a 10 second break. That and he acts like his shit doesn't stink. No wonder I never listen to him
  18. Most pumps are have variable pressure rates. They use a spring to adjust pressure so even if your at idle you can still have the same oil pressure as redline. Hell I watched a 06 GTP blow the Oring out from the filter multiple times at idle. The oil pump got lodged at wide open so it was pushing full pressure.
  19. No joke. Some pretty interesting stuff and some pretty fucked up stuff as well.
  20. Let's up the ante. How bout an entire head. http://www.uselessjunk.com/article_full.php?id=13359
  21. did they send u an email that it shipped?
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