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Posts posted by Eric1647545520

  1. Sorry guys................forgot to reply back here.


    Well interview went well not great but pretty good. The guy who interviewed me told me before we had even sat down that I was the 26th person he had interview'd for the position in a single friggin day!!!! I knew right then an there I wasnt getting the job.


    He was nice an easy to communicate with....not intimidating at all like I thought it was gonna be. He told me straight out that with my lack of sale's experience an the sheer number of well qualified applicants that I would not be getting a cars sales position but instead said that I sounded like a good "fit" for a service writer position????

    I told him that any avaliable position they had at 'MAG' they could offer me I would take regaurdless of what it was. He told me he would forward my resume an application to the service bays General Manager an see what he could do and thank'd me for coming in?????????????


    SOOOOO am I fcuked? Was he laughing at me the whole time on the inside an just giving me the run around?

    I have not heard a word from them an my interview was on Tuesday morning?

    Should i call them on Monday an "check in" with them?

    I need this job so bad, Im unemployed currently and just bought a house.......not good.:thumbdown


    The guy who interview'd me is brian hall, I have his direct line # when/should I call him?

  2. I will be going to an "open" interview at Midwestern auto group on Tuesday 8/30 dressed to kill with resume in hand and I didn't know if any members on here actually worked for them or maybe knew someone on the inside that could help me get the job?


    Tulo do you work for them still?


    Anyone know anybody?.......yes I am desperate.


    It's a sales position if that matters. I have no formal car sales experience, but I do know a great deal about higher end cars and know my way around most all of them pretty well.


    I currently drive a 2002 SMG M3 an most all the mods on it have been installed by me..............idk maybe I can try an use my bmw as leverage to get the job position but I am afraid Im underqualified....?




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