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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Your shoes totally dont match your outfit! BURN!
  2. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    No, Im not. Yes, I modify to gain power/ speed. But, that doesnt mean that its a fast car. Im not sure why you cant seem grasp this with all of your amazing knowledge of everything. I just like to modify, it makes it different, it makes it mine. If I wanted a fast car I would have bought an f body.
  3. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    I got in this thread to talk a little shit. Not to "epic" e-battle. I dont spend my entire life on the web practicing my skills like some people.
  4. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    People mod and dyno cars to make improvements and see what those improvements have done. You dont have to be a 13sec. or faster car to modify.
  5. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    +1 I was thinking the same thing. He already used most of this same material on me when I was still in the oven. I was hoping for something a little more worthwhile.
  6. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Why,becasue you are afraid to do something different because someone might think differently about you. Just so you know, Its not supposed to be a fast car, Im not sure if you realized that or not yet. Its a daily driven 4 door that was cheap. And your mom thought it was cute. Yeah, thats right, back to the mom jokes!
  7. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    It would explain how you get money. Plus I heard you can get like 50k for them bitches.
  8. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    I think its cute how you have brought up that dyno day more than once. You must have really thought I was cute or something to have remembered me that well. And with that being said, the fact that you remember someone that holds no value to you whatsoever is kinda strange dont you think?
  9. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    No, I think he sold his testicles for science or someshit like that. It would explain why he's so moody.
  10. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Because then I would miss all of your attention hungry rants about how everyone is beneath you. Which I assume is brought on because your mommy didnt love you enough as a child.
  11. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Im sorry but that was pretty lame, and not funny at all. If you're gonna take the time to type mean things about people, atleast make it funny too. By the way..... got any change?
  12. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    So why did my screen just say something about not being able topost more than once every 15 seconds?
  13. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    There aint nothing wrong with mommytime pillow fights and anboady who says otherwise is un-american.
  14. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Haha you just admitted that you have a chick car.
  15. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Your mom likes the way I pillow pillow fight.
  16. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    HAHAHAHAAHAHA! Its touching and funny.
  17. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    This site needs a chatbox so that we dont have to make threads like this!
  18. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    WWJD? Spray that shit!
  19. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    HAHA! I told you everyone here was a fag except me. And now you just keep proving my point!
  20. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Dude, they were sold in japan... thats makes it jdm. BIATCH!
  21. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Well I guess that moves me to the number 3 spot?
  22. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Heheheheehe! You and paul should have a "chick" car showdown!
  23. Wonderboy

    I Hate You

    Im currently working on a vtec swap, thank you very much.... Im thinkin like low 7's in the quarter.
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