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Slomo Eric

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Everything posted by Slomo Eric

  1. Yup my MoM told me She works for Kroger in the office building!!!
  2. Call Jeff,Mike or Brandon at IPS They will take care of you!!
  3. Nicee! Was fun going listen to people shit talk!
  4. I would like to be there but Gotta sell car's and make money!!! Will this still be goin on after 6pm.
  5. Bump from a fellow GSXR owner. Sooo Clean looks great. Put it on psychobike.com or gsxr.com
  6. AWESOME game today. Thank you Red's!!!
  7. Sold the car to my buddy bobby here at germain mercedes. He loves the car and is soo happy with it. But if the first owner could PM me i would appreciate it. Thanks, Eric Eric Gray Brand Specialist Smart Center Germain Mercedes of Easton 614-383-4914 Direct 866-488-1389 Toll Free egray@germain.com HOURS: MON-THURS 10-7 FRI-SAT 10-6 SUN closed
  8. Thanks man it does blow so cold it will give you frost bite..lol. BUMP!!!! Eric.
  9. Wha do we get out of the deal for helping you!!! Eric.
  10. Can't wait buddy!!! WOW 2:09min watch. Eric
  11. JOE yes everything has ben replaced and flushed with new fluids, Trans,coolant,oil. Steve thanks buddy for the update!!!! Eric.
  12. I told you id take it but looks like you dont wanna do business. Thanks, Eric
  13. Brady your car sounds awsome!! Keep up the good work guys!!! Eric.
  14. No it was for something else. New plans this year. Car is still F/S!!! Eric.
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