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Posts posted by Ash

  1. Black people dont have to wear name tags because there are only like 6 of us.



    Well then I'm not wearing a name tag because there are only like three girls that come out that actually talk and Val and I are two out of the three.

  2. locked in !!


    in all honesty ive met some people that im sure illl he friends with for years. cr seems so homo but its not quite family more of a closer health club or something . haha


    Paul, I like you! You are the only number that I have! You should feel really special! :)

  3. Yes.


    Like I said earlier, if Panera is decided I would be happy to help. If not, I will do my best to not sleep in and actually show up.


    You aren't going to be up that early, don't even fucking lie and say you will.


    You won't feel well if you wake up early. :p(Don't yell at me!)

  4. I am sitting here at 5:34 in the morning laughing out loud at the shear amount of time that all of you wasted bashing me.


    The funniest poster was Mrs. angry cunt. I don't use that type of language generally, but in this case I will make a well deserved exception. She sounds like a woman that really does not like her job and is a tad on the defensive side. I was actually giving credit that elementary education has to have certification, and licensing by the state. Therefore teaching in primary education is regulated. No governmental regulation occurs at the university level. I guess if she was not so uptight about what she does she would have understood that.


    BTW.... I make sure my kids get a good education, that is why I don't send them to public schools.



    So I'm a cunt because you can't read? Do you not see where it says that I am 20? Or at the end of my post where it says my MAJOR?!?! Oh I guess that is too difficult for you to understand.

  5. You're right, I couldn't. You know what I could do? I could make it through your major in less time than it takes a future Chiropractor to fail out of med school.


    You couldn't deal with playing politically correct all the time. Plus, you would have just beaten "The Jackass" the first week and you would have been kicked out.


    HA! I win! :finger:

  6. youre not nice to me :(...atleast not on the interwebz lol


    and you confused me...your major? your in school?......i thought you were a woman, shouldnt you be majoring in cooking/cleaning/laundry :confused:


    i kid i kid


    no way in hell i could ever deal with little kids all day, let alone try to get them to shut up and listen long enough to teach them anything...ide say kindergarten-3/4 has got to be the hardest to teach...by hs and college, people are usually smart enough to pick up on things by themselves with less hand holding...or just plain not caring anymore... i commend you for doing this job, because theres no way i ever would/could!.....dont make rick come in and show you how its done though




    I'm not saying it is the hardest job in the world but it definitely is a challenge. Him saying that just rubbed me the wrong way.



    I'll be nice to you now, you were nice to me.

  7. you and hal are so perfect for each other.


    I'm usually nice but I hate when people think that teaching kindergarten-third grade is easy, you fucking do it. You are pretty much shaping their view on school, dealing with developmental issues, helping to shape morals, dealing with 20 some five year olds, dealing with their parents and teaching them to read and write. So fuck that asshole for pretty much saying it's worthless. I hope his kid(s) had shitty teachers.




    Can you tell my major? :)

  8. Seems like you must not have been in college long, just about anyone can get a job as an adjunct. Teaching kindergarten requires more certification.



    Teach your own fucking kids then asshole. You have to have your master's to teach kindergarten and to actually be a professor takes a lot of experience and education.



    So in short, go fuck yourself!!!

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