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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Wtf! This guy is cool and pauls a douche! But damn 8 pages and there were like 517 new post well hopefully he gets iun he seems like a cool guy! And a nice car I may add I'm not biased or anything
  2. I would take it back but I can only get in store credit
  3. Welcome! Sounds like a good car ya got! Hopefully see it out!
  4. Looks good! Do the batman thing to it! Or call it kitts lil brother!
  5. So leaving work and see an sti on a rollback. And damn it was fucked! Looked like the caddy just rammed that shit! Hopefully no one on here cause that'll suck!
  6. Oh hai!!!!!! Welcome get pics! Of anything! And neg rep for being friends with alex jk
  7. Lmao! I was just talkin to the woman about pizza!
  8. I knew you'd agree to my terms! So when you driving Mr. Clayton around? And so far I downlaoded pandora and quickpull. 6acebook and myspace where already in the phone. Looking for more. And I can't seem to find themes I downloaded
  9. I was gonna PM you but since there are more than just me with a BB i want you to bless us with your knowledge cause it seems you know alot. Plus i can never really get anywhere on the BB forums wayyy to much reading. Plus since im here more than anything i can read it! So could ya?
  10. He needs pads! I've told him this already! He said he hasn't replaced the pads or nothing since he's had it iirc
  11. Hmmmmmm.... Interesting! He didn't do anything wrong. Post pics of whips and maybe you'll get in To be on the safe side inb4lock? Lol Also oven isn't the kitchen btw
  12. I kno buck was looking for one
  13. I meant a couple weeks ago I was looking a 360 so I just bought one. And the hard drive goes for around 40-50 on ebay so its up to you
  14. I'm confused by these last two questions. Something doesn't smell right!
  15. If no one bites could you let the HD go separate? And where was this 2 weeks ago
  16. hmmm i need some clubs but im not a beginner
  17. In the words of meatwad "do wat now"
  18. what he said except im on crackberry
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