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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKl02dqOE74 Seriously though its pretty sick
  2. dont know why but i chucled out loud reading this
  3. What time you gonna go down? Im looking for another way down
  4. Just saw it on ESPN doctor prescribed?? idk i like manny so will see how it goes. The doc screwed up cause he didnt check baseball's drug policy. But im not saying its anyones fault it just happened
  5. So whos gonna watch the spike lee movie on kobe? It's gonna be on ESPN May 16th at 8pm. I personally like kobe i know a couple guys on here dont but ill have the DVR tuned in.
  6. And where not gonna stay there the whole night were just gonna go with some girls cause they get a cup and can fill it up with whatever they want till 12:30 for 5 bucks so im gonna drink all that shit!
  7. jk so ive seen him 2 nights in a row! and tomorrow where gonna make it a third Everyone come to sloopys then mynt and sugar Me SSmafia and the ghey one TE7TWO are going so join in have fun and try and get laid!!!
  8. I just want to know why i got banned or name change plus password a couple days ago
  9. Sad day in the T/A world!
  10. Ill be there. Oh and they also have sand on the floor at sloopy's and i think its 3 dollar magarita's Some girls said there wearing bikini tops!
  11. Not long at all i was watching espn's aorund the horn and they said it lol
  12. HOLY CAMEL TOE!!!! Ahh so sexy she is even eating she is! INONONE
  13. I was just stating what i was told im with rob i dont follow it. But i thought it was interesting what the guy had told me that is all
  14. a 15 minute call could save u 15% or more on car insurance..unless your this guy..
  15. Sweet cant wait to see it! and you owe me a wash from that! lol jk Good day till that happened
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