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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. That vette was movin! That would be sweet!
  2. Jizzle Juice


    I just read this shit and oh my!!! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45195
  3. Do u have all the vehicles in your list?? IF so then he's not talking to you! There are other paul's in the world and this board
  4. Sorry about that that really blows but the bank requires me to have insurance on the car or its bye bye T/A
  5. Ok asshole! Not like i wa sthe one who backed into your wifes car STFU. Like i said i paid for it up front for like six months and didnt think anything else about it Non payment but wasnt intentional!
  6. He thought he would get a achievement for a headshot!
  7. Wont only to work and back!
  8. Yeah the BMV does from what i understand the insurance company sends them a list of vehicles they have insured daily or monthly something like that
  9. well 03 is back when for me i was a freshman or sophmore in high school lol
  10. Thats what i plan on doing cause the second i knew i didnt have it i got the insurance asap!
  11. I paid in advance and didnt worry about it
  12. F that!! i dont want it! i still can drive to work and stuff and im not suspended yet ima try and weasel my way out of it!
  13. On 161?? If i remeber waay back in the day people use to hangout there but the cops kicked everyone out and i mean waaaaay back in the day lol
  14. Wow read the title of the article and didnt read more but if there are vids id watch
  15. Reminds me of this girls vag! REALLY DRY!! ewww bad memories!
  16. Improper And no didnt know i had the card gave it to him and everything. got notice 4 days after that i didnt so i got more insurance next day went ahead and got the sr22 cause i know im gonna need it now
  17. Wow never seen it b4 hilarious!! The nerd one is funny also chili one cant understand his fat ass! lol i always wear a rubber its a necessity!!
  18. So i got pulled over last month for a improper display of front plate. Cop asked for insurance ok fine give it to him. Find out that my insurance was out so i get more ok fine but now im getting charged with driving without insurance plus the improper display of the plate!!! And so to sum it up after i get a court appearance i will get my license suspended for 3 months:mad::mad: Im sooooo PISSED just needed to rant and rave thats all!
  19. Lol are you from japan Yes is someone shitting on you yes! lol
  20. Ahaha dumb bastard anyone should be able to hit that
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