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Everything posted by Weaponrider

  1. Weaponrider

    Dear Hal,

    Looks like sslbn8o was right....
  2. My bad ill post in the parking lot next time.... and yes i did say next time! your not gonna get rid of me. not easly
  3. dude im not gonna lie. i dont care about you or hals input. so im gonna go back to my life and let you to have fun.
  4. man i dont have time for your pussy shit i gotta get up in a couple of hours. i post a heads up and all you can do is dog me? man get a life! and quit feeding lies to everone. we all know your not an insomniac, your just stuck playing around on spank wire all night, and googling a good comeback for anything said on here. and if you have your own shop why dont you go and play there? or is the truth coming out... YOUR A FAILURE!!!! and dont want anyone to know it!
  5. No but I think I may have found the reason your so grumpy.... Your dad molested you as a child!!!
  6. Wow I'm sorry I thought I made my self clear. I work on cars for a hobbie not a career. And why would I want to work on any piece of shit that you had anyway? Your supposed to be super engineer!!! I bet you can figure it out! :asshole:
  7. im sorry im not the low life thats made over 2 billion posts on one site in less then 3 years. And yes I know how to use a shift key as well and make a question mark.... Look at this??????????????? wow im great
  8. watch it going through pickerington. there is a cop that is potroling mainly 256 getting sports cars for no front plate. at about 9 tonight my car got tagged, and found out shortly after my buddys srt4 got tagged about 3 hours prior. he said that they are starting to crack down on this, and it is a $100 ticket if you get caught. i dont know if he was just meeting his end of month quota or what, but just heads up.
  9. sorry man dont smoke... but my fuel pumps ok
  10. oh my bad it was talledaga nights.... i must have missed that part, i was to busy putting gas in my car.
  11. Wow someones watched the fast and the furious to many times...
  12. So then what your saying is that your fiancee is teaching you how to suck dick? well i got bad news, gays cant get married in ohio...
  13. wow do you sit in the cornner jerking off to cr all day? and what are you studing? how to suck dick? your right i dont want to understand that.
  14. lol GT's supposed to be on the fender, not the side skirt.
  15. Itll still probably get me a better rate then your high school diplomia.
  16. To bad i can walk into any shop and show proof that i work know how to work on cars. and what cars have i fucked up? your the one that has to have like 50 of them to have a gaurenteed DD. Can you guys move to the next post? this has been up for like 2 weeks now. get a life
  17. Actually i was ranked upon shool functions, like SkillsUSA, and the Columbus Auto Dealers Association. I ranked like number 8 out of like 400 in the state for basic knowladge, and 70th out of like 10000 in the US for hands on trouble shooting. And for the out cast losers that went to tech school, well they were normaly kicked out after the first year. Not everyone that went to a tech school was a failure, but there were some that didnt know their ass from their brain. I will give you that.
  18. well with a lot of the posts ive seen you put out you try to act more like a god then anybody else on the site. and what hole am i digging??? the one for your car after you slam it into a wall? :asshole:
  19. Think what you want. Its america...
  20. Hmm... she might be mad at her uncle again, lol.
  21. i dunno... reading this post i think i might know who this is... did she talk a lot about supras too??? if so then hell yea i know
  22. And i work with many of cars too. but i can also keep my facts strait when it comes to something technical, and if i dont have an answer, i look at my resources before i give a wishy washy answer. and if you have so much business you obviously wouldnt have enough time to be on cr 24/7. looks like your the one failing
  23. Sounds like somebody didnt double check their gauges when they put aftermarket ones in. and if its your sending unit thats off... some manufactors recomend that you put fuel treatmet in there to fix the problem... but what the hell do i know? i went to tech school right. :bangbang:
  24. Originally Posted by Hal-O Kitty Yes, you will need a reflash before starting the car though. The only difference may be in the harness and I don't even think there is a difference there. If your so in tune with mustangs you shouldve never even had to second guess yourself... now i see why you have to work at another shop on top of yours, you to fucking retared to know these things for your own shop.
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