You want confessions of a street racer? What do you busters know about street racing? Ill tell you what you know, NOTHING!
Im fresh back from a short hiatus, doin big things that nobody knows about, mostly lurking around seeing whats up but now its time to make my triumphant return! Warm weather brings out the best, Im a predator with the real deal wheels. No not that Stig bullshit like that rich twat. Not blowing up cars like mr. Thorn. Phil and Doc, you guys are still cool. Everyone else, Im still ready to take on all comerz, but this time i gots me a '11 EX-L Accord with a ???mystery??? motor + juice, come get you some.
Oh and hey, Evolved8 or fat shit steve or whatever you go by....yeah i remember you...and YOURE STILL a fucking joke! hows that cock pump working out for you?
So in summary, if you want a piece of this, better not come with anything less than 5k in your wallet. And thats the bottom line, cause BLU BIRD said so!