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Posts posted by colleen13

  1. FINALLY Tom Brady gets hurt, and now people will FINALLY realize that the team will be just as good without him. Why? Because they don't need him. They never needed him. They are the fucking Patriots, they have the best players and coaches in the league.


    Cassell will do fine, the Pats will make they playoffs and I don't think they'll miss a beat. Maybe now people will realize that Brady is just an overrated, above-average quarterback who was put into a great situation where he was destined for success. If he would have been drafted by any other team, nobody would even know who the fuck he is right now. I bet Cassell plays really well this year, and then people will start calling him the next Joe Montana :rolleyes:


    I agree with you for the most part. The pats will do just fine with out him because they have such solid defense that always gives the chance for the offensive to score. You cant make plays if the defense never gives you the oppertunity too. Now the games will just be more exciting to watch cuz the offensive will not be as well ran but will still be sweet. Even though it sucks hes gone : (

  2. no Wes is not on here, I used to hang out with Him, Martin, Katie, Anthony and a bunch of other people. I havent talked to Wes in a while


    Oh ok thanks. But yeah I used to talk to him a lot as well but I haven't heard from him prob since the begining of summer. I tried calling him last night but he didn't pick up.

  3. Seriously people have some god damn respect. He asked you all nicely to stop posting and find something new to talk about somewhere else. Everyone said their wishes and so on. So grow up, get over it and have respect for everyone that went and is going through this right now. If you weren't there you have nothing to talk about because you truly do not know what happened and no one cares if something similar happened to you because it is still not the same fucking situation. So grow up and be big boys and find something better to do with your time.... something a bit more manly and adult like rather than talking about people over an internet site.
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  4. You have no idea what any of these guys went through during this. Yes they may have been racing or watching a race. That doesnt mean we should sit here and start shit up about it. Once all the information has been presented i wouldnt make any speculations to anything.



    Well said.

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