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Posts posted by 2wheels4

  1. Maybe if the original poster actually knew the correct website address it would help a lot. Self ownage is so awesome.


    Please remind me to injure you severely sometime in the near future... :gtfo:



    I might be an idiot, but the fucking page is bookmarked damn it... :doh:


    Much better now, though...

  2. Well, does anyone know when and where we are meeting on Polaris?? For QSL tonight, I mean.


    Usually the BP on the other side of 71, right? I'm sure I can find the group on Polaris if I know the time anyway... Not such a long cluttered road that it will be hard to find a few dozen bikers making a ruckus..

  3. I know a lot us CR bikers are on OR too, so is anyone else having issues with the site. Specifically it is offline.... Might be the worm or just server maintenance or something, but it is pissing me off when I am trying to figure out the meeting place and time for QSL tonight. Damn it.
  4. this topic has been brought up many times.

    buy something you can ride for a season, drop a time or two and not cry like a bitch, sell the bike the following season for what you paid for it (someone elses is always looking for a "first bike" to drop and not care). once youve decided riding is for you buy the bike you want!


    my first bike cost me $400 (89 suzuki gs500), put $300 in it (rear tire, chain, battery, etc), dropped it 3 times and shrugged each time, sold it at the end of the season for $850.


    since then ive learned what not to do and havent dropped either the gsxr600 i had or my shadow :knocks wood:


    go test drive that cbr, if it rides straight and starts easy and the parts that stated to be new/rebuilt really are tell him you have a grand cash and see what happens :)

    it appears to have been dropped before the fairing is damaged on the one side, have the owner take off the fairings and inspect everything!


    more details on the 954 :cool:



    +1!! Buy a cheap bike, there are only two kinds of rider, those who have been down, and those who are going down. Buy a bike you don't mind wrecking once or twice, then a few seasons later you can go for power or sparkle depending on your taste...


    I bought two 1978 GS550s for $400 (neither road worthy) and two weeks later I had my first motorcycle on the road and lots of spare parts! I laid it down, went high-side, and got hit at a stoplight by some ignorant bitch who was applying make-up and driving....


    Moral of this story? I don't fall over so much now, I have a very good understanding of the mechanical workings of motorcycles in general, and all together I spent around $6-700 for my first bike, gear, and license. I still have and use all the above, too...

  5. Out all weekend, out today. Hoping it will be nice Saturday too, want to ride to a show and take my lil sister. (gonna ride anyway, but won't go up to Knox and get the sibling if it is shitty....)


    Damn the bloody wind though... Kinda fun to lean sideways and go straight sometimes, but it gets frickin' old after a few days of it...

  6. Yep, they are dumb ad bots... I get tons of christian related crap because my Myspace is terribly anti-religion and blatantly satanic. That, or it is just a family thing... LOL


    Pretty amusing, really, that these churches pay out good money to have their spam hit the likes of me... Might as well just burn that shit, at least it will give them light and warmth that way.





  7. Beer, yes. And the good stuff too, but no football. (I don't care for it either except for OSU, and only that for the drinking and fighting.)


    The only downside is that she doesn't like whiskey and cigars... at all... LOL Oh, and I am totally in love with her, so that puts me at a severe disadvantage that I am not used to dealing with.

  8. Despite the rain, I couldn't resist the warm air, so I went tooling about for a while, ultimately meeting a friend for lunch up on Polaris. Had her snap a pic of me next to one of the big snow piles that still remains in the Mall parking lot.


    She was trigger happy so I didn't get to give my signature goat horns or middle finger, but one takes what they can get....


    Missed a much better photo op yesterday, sun was still shining bright and I took the cute neighbor girl for a ride up the river and to dinner in Powell. We took a detour first and went up 257 farther than needed to catch the twisties and cross the bridge.


    Can't fucking wait for spring so I can shed some of this damned gear... want my half-shell, wind on face, sneer on lips to be seen by all...



  9. Fuck yeah... just wear thermal underwear you pussies, the weather is GREAT. But then, I have been known to ride in the snow and have laid a bike down on ice going to the corner market.... so maybe you should not listen to the crazy man.... (was coming back home earlier this week at night and it was snowing a bit.... kinda like the windows screensaver...)


    Been out riding all week though, gonna be 50's tomorrow too.... then rain a bit, but that way you can ride AND wash the bike, right? Just take a little soap... little spin around 270 for the rinse cycle... voila! Nice shiny bike...


    Gonna ride down to Bankshot Billiards in about two hours and shoot a few rounds if anyone else is bored, laid off, and wants to waste time and gasoline...

  10. I always kinda wanted to wire the flyback transformer from a CRT to my frame.... gotta figure out exactly how to place the ground, but 35Kv will certainly discourage theft attempts.... (for that matter, use an old ignition coil, almost as much punch but wound for a 12v system already... )


    Definitely illegal as hell though, better have a good excuse handy if the Po shows.... (or be able to remove it and play ignorant....) Should not kill, but it could if the person got hit just right, or had a heart condition...

  11. If you take a position of authority and power, particularly one where you are making judgement calls regarding the lives and justice of others, and then you abuse that position and power....


    Cops and judges especially should be run through the ringer PUBLICLY for any offense. Anyone who accepts this responsibility and then betrays that position of trust can not be punished harshly enough, both on a personal level and as an example to future assholes.


    And since it seems that honest law enforcement and judges are the exception, not the rule... (I know and have known plenty of LE, and yes, I know a few are on here, even graduated from OPOTA myself...) I think a few examples illustrating how government works for the people and not the other way around would be a good thing.


    I have your "professional courtesy" right here, bitch. What you mean to say is that you think it is OK for you and your pig buddies to drink and drive, but tomorrow you can take your hangover out on everyone driving 70 in a 65..... Damnit I fucking hate the world....


    Why is it that most people are like Slinkys? Totally fucking useless except as amusement when pushed down a flight of stairs...


    /insane rant

  12. well if he was involved and contributed to the cause, then I would say he is at fault.


    if you and another guy go into a bank and the other guys shoots and kills someone, you'll go down too.


    I think this is a matter of the girls family looking for justice. Once this gets completed, there will most definitely be a civil case. She'll likely need millions $$ for the remainder of her medical costs/life.




    That is neither correct, nor intelligent. You fail. Hard.


    Edit: The part about the girl's family wanting cash and that they will sue if he gets convicted is 100% correct. Everything else you said was bullshit though...

  13. The best thing to buy for your Wii is a mod chip, and then you hire some leet fucker like me to mod it for you... I am an EET working for an electronics manufacturer and I can do things to PCBs that violate the laws of nature. I will try to put up a few pics of previous mods...


    Costs around 50 bucks for the chip. I work for a buck a minute, so the Wasabi chip is $40 installed. All I need is your Wii, the chip, your power cord and forty bucks and you will be able to back up and play all your legally purchased games. (downloading games from the interwebz and burning them would be piracy and thus illegal... so naturally I couldn't condone such behavior!!) :rolleyes:


    Also, if you have other electronic design and build needs... I have made switch boxes for interfacing to ECMs, repaired blown ECMs for one of the speed shops on here and more.



    Topside of a D2C mod



    Bottom of same



    A Wasabi mod chip installed (these are the best)





    And the WiiKey mod. (Thorne has this one, installed by Moi)



    Geek paradise.



  14. http://=http://www.wbns10tv.com/live/content/nationalnews/stories/2008/08/22/ninja.html?sid=102


    CLIFTON, N.J. — Police arrested two men dressed like ninjas and armed with Asian martial arts weapons who said they were delivering warning letters to drug dealers and users.

    Calling themselves "Shinobi warriors," the men carried knives, throwing stars, swords, nunchucks and a bow and arrows.


    Tadeusz Tertkiewicz, 20, and Jesse Trojaniak, 19, were each charged with weapons possession. Tertkiewicz is also charged with harassment for a letter left for an ex-girlfriend.


    The letters warned drug users and drug dealers that the "Shinobi will stop your cruel and sadistic intentions with justified yet, merciful force."


    In the letter, the two men accused drug dealers and users of having "committed sin of passing impurity" to others and that the "wind guides us to those of impure heart and intent."


    "Their intentions may have been good, but we tell everyone that they shouldn't take the law into their own hands because it will cause more problems for everyone in the long run," Detective Capt. Robert Rowan said.


    Trojaniak's father told The Associated Press his son is "not a maniac" and was only trying to help a friend.




  15. lol Good read. Shit happens. Just gotta laugh about it. Fuck embarassment. :)



    Sage advice... If I let embarrassment get too me every time I did something foolish, I would have choked on a bullet years ago to escape the shame. :)

  16. Happy your ok MATT. Now bring me over a Rat I've got a hungry snake.



    Yah, yah. I will bring you a few. You want two for each snake?? I will call you after work.


    And I am not quite as sore as I expected, but it was a pretty pessimistic outlook last night so I am only partially fucked instead of totally fucked. Oh, my poor fucking shoulder is not gonna work right for a while and a few tendons in my left hand are pissy too.... (now how the fuck am I gonna jerk off!)

  17. I had a fairly wide turn out and it took off much faster than I expected. Though I could just ride it out till it was too late to do anything but tuck and roll. All in all it was pretty epic fail.


  18. Got anxious and made stupid all over myself tonight... Rather than wait for my bike to warm up a sec, or even choke it out proper, I tried to take off by revving up a bit and slipping the clutch.


    I would like to blame it on teh new clutch cable that feels so different (it really does, very nice) but really I am just a dumb fuck. Long story short I kissed the bloody curb and took a header over the bars to land on head and shoulder. (Yes, I was wearing gear.) I got back up more embarrassed than hurt and promptly dropped my bike on my opposite leg when picking it up. Fail.



    Next, it didn't want to start because the carbs were flooded like the Florida Keys right about now and about this time the patrons on the patio are coming to check on my health and welfare. More Fail.


    So I have to endure countless questions of "are you ok" and "why don't you come sit down for a minute" as if I am some mere mortal. (despite my claims, my spine is giving me the lie as I type it... mortality sucks donkey balls)


    An eternity (two minutes) passes and I try the starter again as I pray to the dark lord that the carbs are happy with me now. (I took the time between to also look for massive oil bleeds or any other really odd shit.) And the carb demons shine upon me as the motor fires up.


    I make as graceful an exit as any tool of my caliber can, and shortly after arriving home I realize that adrenaline is grand until it is gone. My shoulder is hosed until further notice and my neck and spine are not going to let me off easy either. I'm still riding the bike to work tomorrow. Fuck gravity, pain is my old friend. Then again, I may see what my insurance is really worth tomorrow... LOL

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