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Everything posted by doggo
After reading pages 4 and 5 of the link, I stand corrected. Gotta admit he got off light though, only having to remove the N2 and slicks and anything else ' mutually agreed upon' by both parties (which means nothing else). From the read, it's obvious the prosecutor wasn't gonna let go unless he got his piece of flesh. Being able to say he emasculated Linn's car may sound good in the press etc (if it ever came up) but we all know how damn easy it would be to get that car back to it's former glory. As someone else said in this thread, well played.
I wanna see proof of this 'de-modding' claim, or that the car was otherwise taken, destroyed, painted pink with a rainbow coalition bumper sticker slapped to its ass... I smell a large pile of BS here... Seems like under Ohio law the car escaped all danger of being taken from it's owner, although only just barely! Anyone know the real story here?
Yeah, I sure do. I just wish the government did. Actually, the gov. knows it too, it's just that millions of gullible sheep will believe anything the government tells them. Baaaaaa.
Screw all that, I'd be pissed if someone was stopping me and searching etc on a regular basis 'for my own security'. Fuck that- I MAKE my own security, I don't expect anyone else to help provide it for me, especially when I haven't asked for any help. One thing I hate hearing at airports and more and more places nowadays is '...for your own safety'. When I hear those four words, I know that I'm not going to like hearing whatever follows, and I'm in for a class A line of bullshit. And I've never been disappointed yet. The war on terror would be over in a week if the government wanted it over. Remember the "war on drugs" (and what happened to that?) I don't think it we won did we.... Turned out terror is a far easier sell for the gov...
The first guy that lives in that neighborhood that feels his rights are being violated by the constant curfew will get the help of the ACLU, when he goes to court with them the 24 hour curfew rulings (and more to the point of constitutional law- the search and seizure practices that go along with curfews) will be found unconstitutional- maybe not in a local court but certainly on appeal in the higher courts, which will overrule any previous decisions. Majority rule usually wins, unless it happens to be on the wrong side of the law and someone complains in the correct way... All it will take is one whiner, game over.
Figured this was as good a place as any here to post this... Anyone here know the best (I really mean 'cheapest' for the assholes among you) place in Columbus for getting pure methanol for mixing my own 50% water/meth for water injection?
ok great looking forward to meeting some more of you guys around town.
Hey, any of you going to the DSM Shootout this weekend? I'll be there. Yeah... this is my shameless move to get my post back in front of some eyeballs..At least I admit it.
Best western is the fun one to be at though. Lots of craziness going on. Most people there for the SO dont even get a room, they just hang around BW and borrow a shower to freshen up. It's always packed with DSMrs- you should check it out if you havent before...
yeah. friggin Best Western wants $169 a night. For BEST WESTERN!
So, do I get past the bouncers in order to join the beautiful people? Or is it back to columbusdsm? Cause, if I'm good, then thanks, as 'yet another' fellow asshole I lub you all and can't wait to share cheap booze (which I might actually bring once in a while) with some of you. But if not, I can only reply with the immortal words of Conan the Barbarian-
plan to this month at National Trails. I ran it at Norwalk in 2005 at the DSM Shootout but I only got one run in due to bad weather and to clutch problems. Was 13.9 then hoping for high 11s now.
Some pics: (I know, the body shots suck and are before I started modding the motor.) http://bp0.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SHqdN-u1auI/AAAAAAAAACI/kbRunuQYbdM/s400/P1010098.JPG http://bp1.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SH6v8tnD0iI/AAAAAAAAAC8/mJtOoNLtmnw/s400/P1010027.JPG http://bp2.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SH6xsSHp7MI/AAAAAAAAADU/-gBp3aRdYBw/s400/P1010098.JPG http://bp0.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SH6xtd8LQMI/AAAAAAAAADc/vDTqWLaUR2s/s400/P1010101.JPG http://bp1.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SH6xtzUSmKI/AAAAAAAAADk/- http://bp3.blogger.com/_YSd4YGpWXeA/SH6v86c8sII/AAAAAAAAADE/QmbiP7qk3to/s400/P1010031.JPG
thanks, did you ever go to the meetings at roosters?
LOL. Um, cop- no. ill put some pics up shortly... the ones from the blog suck.
Here's my blog which I've been keeping on this project car since 2005... I just put up the latest post. http://91talonproject.blogspot.com/
Just another DSmer I go by the same name 'doggo' on columbusdsm.org where I've been a member for a couple of years. I have a 91 Tsi (GST) running a FP 20G with PR FMIC, O2 housing and DSMLINK among other mods. Just tuned and dynoed at 350 WHP/328 WTQ at SMM. Upcoming mods include water injection, Phillips Racing head and valve job. 400 WHP is the goal, then maybe move over to AWD for further challenges...