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Status Updates posted by ForeverMaker

  1. cool. would love a ride sometime. I need to get out more!
  2. Clear your PMs. I need some electrical work done if you are interested.
  3. that sounded gay. lol.
  4. reply on my profile.. otherwise I see no notification of you leaving a message. sort of like myspace.
  5. Just saw ur snowboarding thread. Didn't know you were gay.
  6. Actually in light of recent discussion that comment isn't that funny! haha...
  7. you are such a disease.
  8. I am at about the 2nd week of May if you can wait that long.
  9. hey whats up. see you tomorrow.
  10. Oh crap 1000 posts. Most of your posts are probably about how much you love Red Robin.
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