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Posts posted by 944s2

  1. I'm up to 9.9 litecoins at an average of $201 each...are those not worth a damn? They're dropping like crazy, which is fine (I just keep buying more), but should I be spending the money elsewhere?


    I also like litecoin. I would love to see it hit $500-750 by the end of the year.

  2. And another big day for Trump's market. Maga.


    I mean it went up way too fast and bullish. It's going to have some big drops, go down to a more sensible point and level off. I don't think he should be taking credit for the gains or drops at this point.

  3. Holy shit my brain hurts reading all of that, it makes me sad for humanity.


    Why are we letting this forum turn to literal garbage by letting people threaten others here? You are being childish (and literally stupid posting things like this on a public forum)


    If Brandon was in the military I thank him for his service but fuck if this is what happens when you get out, look at what we are doing to those guys over there.


    It's disrespectful to represent your country the way you are right now by saying the things you have said in this thread. I thought you became a man in the military not a little boy.

  4. http://www.nicehash.com If you need help setting it up, just PM me. my gaming machine has dual 1080's with SLI and then I have a gaming laptop with a 980m and another machine that I was able to pick up a 1060 and 1070... I'm currently making about 13-14 a day with it or ~400 a month before my energy usage of ~30 a month... of course that's before coinbase takes their 2% fee. It's still a nice little profit for just letting my hardware run while I'm at work or sleeping. If I want to play a game, I just pause the daemon play my games then restart it.


    You can google nicehash profitability calculator and look up your hardware to see profilt.


    All of this. Easy as pie and as long as you drop your Power limit settings on your gpu to about 80% and set your temp limit to something reasonable its pretty fail safe. If you need a new gaming PC the best way to go now is to order the GPU directly from EVGA or the like to get the best price or buy a prebuilt machine. You should easily be able to pay off that machine in a years time but the real value comes into play when the Coins start to go up in value as they are right now. I wish I had started mining a year ago when I built my gaming rig. sigh....

  5. Do not get a combo/all in one. When it breaks you replace all three.... and most of them are garbage.



    MODEM: Get a Docsis 3.1 compatible Arris/Motorola surfboard modem. They good.


    ROUTER: Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway ($110)


    WIRELESS: Any Ubiquiti Unifi AP. There are CHEAP ($30) good Wireless-N units on Ebay, and very very good Wireless-AC units new starting around $100.



    This setup will shit all over ANY store bought combo unit and last for many years, while allowing you to upgrade or expand one part at a time. If you need a switch, any decent gigabit switch will do, no need to shell out for the ubiquiti unit unless you want advanced monitoring.



    All of this. You are wasting your money buying an all in one. Spend good coin on a great router and it will change your life.

  6. So anyways...... what I don't understand is why so much of the information from shooting is now be retracted by other information. If the security guard was shot before initial firing began on the concert, why were police not already on the floor before the shooting started? Did the guy just not think to call 911 or have the hotel send in help? In a casino in Vegas, I find it hard to believe a shooting on one of their floors goes silent for X amount of time.


    There are some holes in the story and I'm sure there will be more to come of it.


    IMO Most likely the casino was trying to keep it under wraps as much as possible initially.


    I think what a lot of people don't understand is that these casinos will do almost anything to stay out of negative spotlight. They are known to get people who overdose and are dying off of their property so they don't have the negative media on them. They all fight so hard for customers most of the rooms are empty most of the time unless its during peak season or a conference. The last thing they need is someone saying "lets go to (any of the 20+ other casinos on the strip) because Mandalay had that shooting"


    I would bet it's an un-written policy to "handle it" in house and at the time they didn't realize the scope of the situation until it was too late.


    TL : DR

    The mob runs that fucking town.... lol

  7. I have a Klipsch system of similar value but newer. You would be crazy if you need a good home theater system not to jump on this deal, especially knowing the care they have been given. You cannot buy something that will sound as good as these for anywhere close to this price new. These speakers are something that will still sound as good as they did new (if not better) in 20 years from now.

    Buy them, pair them with a good amp (or 2) and never look back.

  8. TBH it sounds like your are screwed without a police report or witnesses. Only thing I can think of is see if any of the businesses around have a camera on that spot the accident occured and kindly ask them to see it or have a lawyer pull it for you.
  9. Like I mentioned before, Join or just go to Dayton Cars and Coffee on fb, they have multiple major sponsors, (Hanson, high end audio with an owner that loves his toys, and White Allen Porsche, one of the biggest Porsche Dealerships in Dayton)


    The pictures on the FB page will give you a great idea of the cars that come out and the parking lot area, also the on ramp for shenanigans.

  10. When I was in Cbus for work/weekend getaway I stopped by and saw a lot fo OG Cr folk. I can attest the line for coffee was out the door, and down the walk.




    Sucks as I think this will inevitably kill this location at the least. It was the Best CnC I have been to Sans Dallas and LA's Exoctic varient


    You obviously have not been down to Dayton for C&C... You should come! We had over 1000 cars last weekend. It's held at Austin Landing off of 75.

  11. It has gotten insane down here in Dayton. Like said above over 1k cars showed up on a Saturday Morning!!!! The new location is about 15 min further down 675 to 75 for you Columbus guys but its unbelievable. Join the Dayton Cars and Coffee on fb for more information and pictures.
  12. Flame sensor shouldn't have anything to do with heat coming out of the system. It just detects the presence of flame in my limited experience. Also I cleaned mine a few times but eventually you will need to replace. We even replaced the control board on my unit and fixed it much cheaper than we would have been charged to do. Youtube is your friend for sure.
  13. 2nded.


    nothing against the users involved but an AMD/Intel discussion needs it's own thread.


    Although some great advice was given for the cpu/mother board combo at microcenter I went ahead and did new egg for the cpu,gpu,ssd and case.(Tax free and no shipping was nice and probably saved me more than 30 anyway, plus they had some great deals) Nvidia 1080 for $499 16gigs Corsair Vengence for $99 and the case was $99 ( I went with the master case 5 pro). The real issue I am having right now is dealing with what MB I am gonna get. I want the asus x370 prime pro but I guess they are having a ton of bios issues as stated above. If you get a good one updated to the proper 0504 bios or even 0502 your gold though it sounds like.

  14. Back to the fucking task at hand, instead of a bunch of cunts having an Intel vs AMD discussion, I really like InWin, and just purchased a 707 Full Tower case. Similar but not identical to design to the 303, it's BIG, solid, with lots of cooling configurability. I only run a H80i CPU cooler but it would be very easy to add other radiators with how much space this monster has.




    My personal favorite part of this is the single fan mount on the non-windowed side and the very clean appearance of the front. Cable management is very easy and overall it's my cleanest looking rig I've built, and I'm a messy sonuvabitch.


    Thanks! That IS sexy looking.

  15. Thanks for the responses. I currently have an Intel i7 chip and do love it but realized that this build needs to be for the editing photo side of things for realistically 70ish percent of what I want to build it for.

    It will be really nice to see what that gaming side of it can do (as I have a playseat and g25 setup) with some of the new racing games. It has honestly been 14 years since I have played a FPS on pc hardcore. (Think quake 123, Counter Strike etc.)

    I do most of my gaming on my xbone.


    Is $1500 really a "budget" system nowadays?


    Anyone have any input on this? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119306&ignorebbr=1


    Realizing I probably don't need a full case.


    Master Case 5 pro... seems like a good deal at $99. I do want good cooling.

  16. I am building a new computer, have not built one in a decade and really need something for my photography business plus I want to be able to game.

    I am basically set on ordering:


    Ryzen 1700

    Asus X370 Pro MB

    Corsair Vengeance 2X8gig DDR4

    Samsung M2 500gig SSD (massive speed for processing photos in LR)

    EVGA 1080 (found one for $499 now that the TI is out)

    Already picked up a EVGA G3 750w PS for $99


    Need opinions on what case I should go with... I really would like a full tower around the $150 range.


    Basically I am around the $1500 mark for this build but I want it to last for at least 5 years. Eventually I would like to close loop water cool the processor and overclock to 4Ghz


    Anything anyone would do different?

    Thanks in advance.

  17. I hit up Kenny Brightman - who sounds like one of the head organizers for Dayton C&C - through FB a couple weeks back and we spoke. Sounds like a nice guy and I'm looking forward to doing some cruises in 2017!


    Ken is a good guy, huge in the car scene down here. He also does this for his love of cars.

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