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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. It was last second when he cut over and slammed on his brakes, he went from 65-40 in no time. (S4/S5 brakes > Corolla) I had hit my brakes and swerved over but the car i was driving (my moms corolla) started to slide across the freeway. I managed to correct it and keep it mostly in my lane when it happened. I felt like i did damn well in that situation seeing as there was a semi in the slow lane and that dickhead on the left/middle. Pics dont make it too good, but its darker in person. Plus im not gonna waste a bunch of expensive rubber on this dickhead. I just wanted to leave him a reminder everytime he walks out.
  2. Ok let me type a lot of this out. Give you guys a background. The first time this guy ever came over here, like fall of last year, when he came over and talked to me i was calm and understanding. He had told me that people were complaining about loud cars going fast through there and since he thought i had sped by he wanted to come over here and tell me. I was entirely understanding and nice with him, and told him that ill make sure i dont speed through there anymore because peoples kids, and that ill try and keep it quieter. We were both fine with what had been talked about and he left. After this is when i made sure i didnt go more than 25 through there, granted ill leave it in second sometimes so it is loud. A few weeks after that i was in the garage and he came over again (I didn't even drive my car then) and started yelling at me telling me he heard me flying through there and that he was gonna call the cops if i did something again (again i wasnt driving) and i told him that it wasnt me and i had been at my house. At this time he had told me that he was from kentucky and that he liked hurting people. At this time i asked him why he was threatening me and he told me he wasnt and then he left. About a month ago i drove past his house while i was coming home and he was outside and decided to follow me over to my house. He asked me why i was speeding and i clearly told him i was not and the car was just loud cause i was in a low gear. Again he told me that he was a gun holder and had a ccw so i can't call the cops on him for having it (i dunno why he said this). Again i asked him why he threatening me and he said he wasnt he was just letting me know. Then i told him again that i wasn't speeding and the car was just loud and he told me that i need to keep it quieter (it was like noon) and that people had been complaining. I was like alright whatever ill keep it down and he had left. Come to today i drive past his house and hes outside smoking, he see's me and gives me the middle finger as i drive by and starts yelling shit. I just kept going on was like fuck it ive been nice enough with this dude im gonna piss him off. So when im coming home i do the burnout in front of his house and he wasnt home when i did that (found that out a little bit ago). So he came over a little bit ago while i was doing a oil change and started yelling at me. He told me that Mike and Sherri (No idea who these people are) no longer lived there and that i shouldn't have a problem with anyone over there anymore. I told him i had no idea who these people are and whats hes talking about. He then proceeded to tell me that my brother (dont have one) who was in the military had been stopped by them several times and they had argued about it. I told him i had no idea what hes talking about and i dont even have a brother. Then he told me again that hes from kentucky and he likes hurting people, that he owns guns and is a ccw holder, and that if this keeps up someone is going to get hurt. I got upset with this and asked him why the hell is he threatening me, then he said he wasnt, and then i asked what is up with him wanting to hurt people. He then said that if this problem happened again that he would be back over with a gun and someone was getting hurt. I asked if he ment hes going to come over here and do something with his gun, then he said for all he knows he could get hurt. I told him that is he keeps coming over here harassing me and brings a gun with him i am going to call the police and file a report about this, then he said it wouldnt matter if he came over here with a gun and pulled it on me because he has a ccw. I told him he was crazy and that im gonna keep driving through there at 25 in whatever gear i please and that he cant do anything about it. He then said if anything happens to his house hes coming straight over here and that thered be a problem. I told him is hes threatening me theres going to be a problem and i was like whatever man. Then he said someone laid a patch of rubber down in front of his house and that if i told him i did it he'd leave. At first i was like i dunno what your talking about and then he was like come on man. I then said i did it and he was likr i fucking knew you did it. He then went to his truck and got back out and yelled something about someone getting hurt again, and i didnt say shit. So thats the background with this guy and its why he can suck my dick.
  3. Gotta love the Ninja Edit. Like ive said before, im one of the nicest people youll probably ever meet, and ill do nearly anything to help a friend out. Its when people like this asshole do stupid shit or yell at me for no reason is when i get defensive. Especially after coming over to my house and yelling at me/harassing me several times.
  4. Did i say either of you were jealous? No. I said this guy is or could be. I like how CR takes everything out of context or tries to turn it around.
  5. Its not near as loud as the 2step. Not at all. Also when i drive home at night i normally close the cutout or keep the revs down real low. Im not a douche bag kid that goes screaming through the neighborhood at night.
  6. Im not mad, i find it amusing that CR KNOWS EVERYTHING! Plus if 8 is too late to rev my car up then my neighbor's must hate me when i come home or leave at night. Also steve, when you met me, did i seem like a "Thug" or some ghetto person?
  7. Actually I find all this quite amusing. I love how everyone in here thinks they know exactly what happened, and my history with this guy.
  8. Someone who drives a beat dick truck from the 90s and has nothing else.
  9. I love how CR thinks they know everything about the situations ive been in, when none of you guys have a fucking clue.
  10. Not at all. He deliberatly brake checked the fuck outta me and was likie "YOUR GONNA KILL SOMEONE IF YOU KEEP DRIVING LIKE THAT". Cause im doing 75 and want to go around him. DONT FUCKING GO 65 IN THE FAST LANE AND THINK YOUR COOL. Also i was already fully in the other lane before the dick head cut over and brake checked me.
  11. I don't care what impression i put here on people online. No one in this thread knows me in person, and if they did they would just laugh at the situation. Also who cares what "Side" you guys want to be on. This dudes a prick and bitches/whines about everything. Drive past his house going 20mph in 2nd gear so its loud and he'll hop in his car and run over here and bitch at me for it.
  12. Thats dumb. Thats not what i was saying. CR Is full of KEYBOARD WARRIORS who when you see them in person, would back down. Keep acting tough behind your keyboard CR.
  13. Also, i thought CR would find the story quite amusing, but since your all experts in knowing the situation about everything, i shouldn't of bothered. Also, i bet half the people on CR are too big of a bitch to do something about it when people do shit like this.
  14. People with guns think there cocky and shit and pull them out whenever they get a chance. Half the people who tote guns like that are a fucking pussy and would get there shit rocked in a fight. Don't fucking pull your gun out unless your ready to shoot someone. Pulling a gun out as a scare tactic is the dumbest fucking thing ever, because if you pull a gun out on me and i have one too im pulling it out and shooting first because i feel that my life was threatened. The dude that pulled the gun out on me on 315 was a bitch too. He saw me coming up behind him faster than he was going, so i go to the middle lane to pass him and he swerves over and brake checks me, then when i yell at him he starts waving his gun around thinking hes all cool shit.
  15. Lol to people in here who think i act like a thug or something its quite funny. Im one of the nicest people youll ever meet, and ill help my friends with whatever they need and shit. I really don't care what CR thinks of my response to this guy i just had to vent. Also I didn't ever do shit to this guy. Hes just a hater that i drive a nicer car than him and im half his age. He started shit by coming to my house several times to harass me, and then kept it going today. I havn't done shit to him and wouldn't of if he wasn't such a dickhead to me. Plus, CR, I don't really care if you guys think i did the right thing. I think its funny cause everytime he steps out front hes gonna have to think about me. As for the people saying about me being a "Thug" and shit like that, thats hilarious. Ask anyone on here that knows me, im one of the nicest people youll ever meet. Just dont fuck with me cause im not gonna be a bitch and back down. You gotta hold your own in this world and some people do it differently than others.
  16. Nope. It was a black S4 or S5. I think it was a S5 cause i believe it was only a two door. Still had temp plates too i think. I wish i woulda got his license plate cause i woulda called the po and been like dude pulled a gun on me.
  17. Whatever. Some fuckin dick head on 315 pulled a gun on me like a week ago cause i tried to pass him. He was in the fastlane and wasnt going fast enough, so i go to go around him and he brake checks me. I almost wrecked my fuckin car cause of him. That dudes lucky he had a fucking gun cause if not there would of been a problem. Seems all to often people pull guns out on me. I don't give a shit, shoot me see what the fuck happens to your life. (Jail, sued, etc) I don't do shit to people (except that dickhead), and im actually a real nice person, but when you piss me off its fuckin on.
  18. I don't care what dude thinks of me. I know every time he steps out front hes gonna see those marks and think of me. Also i dont care if he leaves me alone now. Everytime i pass his house late at night im gonna open the cutout and redline the car.
  19. If i had one i already would of pulled it out on him for coming onto my property to yell/harass me.
  20. I don't care what this dude thinks about me. Im sick of him coming to my house harassing me, trying to stop me in the street, yellin at me, all sorts of shit. Hes lucky i didn't do the burnout in his fucking driveway.
  21. So this fucking dickhead that lives a street away from me has a problem that i have a loud car, and a nicer car than he has. (Least thats what i believe). Hes came over to my house when ive got home (followed me) and tried to bitch at me. I don't fucking speed through the neighborhood and people always bitch at me. Today, i drove past his house and hes out front smoking or some shit, and flicks me off and yells at me. So i think to myself, fuck this dude im sick of his shit. Fastforward 30 minutes later when im coming home, i stop in front of his house. Redline the car twice, 2 step it at 4 grand, and sit there and do a brakestand in front of his place. Fuck this dude. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/524186_415346601826580_100000537318594_1474134_1454502757_n.jpg Sorry CR, i had to get on and rant.
  22. Fubar231


    Sold! Thanks CR! Lock it up!!!
  23. That seemed safe. Would of laughed if he ate shit and watched his boat just cruise away lol
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