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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Haha. Ended up being the motherboard. Replaced it with a gigabyte one and now everythings running fine. Was almost sure it was when i posted just wanted some input. Thanks
  2. I was thinking this too, or if it couldnt hold power under load, but the PC will start and idle? fine. It just... nothing. Just sits there... Itwas one thing if i was getting errors when i tried to do something that used a lot of power but trying to get to your BIOS.... Cmon lol
  3. Ok so i left earlier today to go run my friend somewhere, finish that, come home and the PC is acting funny. Heres a breakdown of what happened/what i did. Was playing some games before we left, everything worked fine. Shut my game off, etc all was good. Come home and my computers off (Not on standby which is odd). Try to turn the computer on and CPU fan spins, case fans spin, psu fans spin, i hear things doing stuff but nothing. Turned it off, unplugged the power cord, gave it a few minutes, tried it again and the same thing! The pc powers on, but no BIOS, no POST, and no Beeps, and not even the 1 i normally get. So i start unplugging things 1 by 1 (Hardware wise) and nothing got better. I ran it once trying everything and 1 by 1 nothing happened. Got down to MoBo + PSU + CPU and still, nothing. Powers on, but no error beeps or ANYTHING! Pulled the CMOS bat and gave it time, still nothing. I looked over the mobo and was not able to find any caps that looked blown, and burnt spots etc. Everything looked in order. So to sum it up, PC is acting funny, will boot up but wont go to BIOS/POST/Give me Error Beeps or w/e there called. I tried it to run the pc every way possible (OnBoard Graphics, No Graphics, 1 ram stick, 2 ram sticks, etc) and down to just the pure Mobo-CPU-PSU and its still doing the same thing. Im thinking its the motherboard but i would like to hear other opinions before i go spend money on a motherboard. Thanks
  4. Fubar231

    xBox people

    I go to Oddlots/Biglots for batterys. Can normally get 20 AA's for 3-4$. Brand doesnt matter to me since i burn through them so fast. Go there, pick up 100 batterys for like 20$, be set for a year.
  5. Fubar231

    I bet

    SSC Ultimate Aero from the DLC pack? Anyone know what that does.
  6. I didnt find that funny...? Did i miss something.
  7. haha wait it cracked? when you were on the two step? anyways looked like it pulled good man
  8. Fubar231

    I bet

    I think i got something for you... Ill have to go play it and see.
  9. They closed that place... months ago. Have to start going to 11th now.
  10. http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/30611/10002/-1?parentProductId=752882 ?
  11. What about replacing your oil pump and rod bearings once the coolant in your oil destroys your bottom end.
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76881
  13. been watching for a while now, wish i would of saw this yesterday, thanks though
  14. Just quoting chad to quote him, but i saw one of his ON3 kits on a bone stock turbo fox the other weekend running 13lbs. That thing pulled hard on a stock ls1. Hard as in bus lengths hard lol
  15. Haaha yeaha a little, but then that means a I GOT TO DO SOMETHING, i like being lazy lol. I just want to see your car run / ride in it sometime, my cars not impressive like yours haha.
  16. Good luck with the TC, hope this one fits for you
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHZilw82OnE&feature=player_embedded Wow.... Traffic is insane, especially around 4:00 and on.
  18. http://www.dieselpowermag.com/features/ford/0901dp_1994_ford_mustang_duramax/index.html
  19. No one ever happened to think that those were just photoshopped onto the ones she used when she quit her job. Go look at the pics from when she quit her job, there the EXACT same. Someone obviously photoshopped that on the signs.
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