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Posts posted by Exploder95

  1. So, who here would let the other 4 players into the sanctuary if you were in that position?


    The engineer guy had the right mindset about it (being hesitant to let them in) but I think he overdid it a bit being so dramatic. Either way, don't think I woulda let random nomads into the newly acquired "sanctuary" where all of the food, water, and supplies were being stored. If the area was supposed to be abandoned...why couldn't they have found and claimed a different sanctuary?

  2. I too like to have a powerful engine but at the same time dont agree it has to be a V8. My old boat was a 300hp v6. It did more than I ever needed it to. My gf's boat has a 4 cylinder with i think 140hp(?) and if it wasnt for the prop being so tore up and shitty it would have a decent amount of power and last week we still pulled 4 people on tubes with 4 others in the boat. Little slow getting out of the water but again I think a new prop would make the difference. I would want a little more power than what it has myself but I think a nice V6 would be a happy medium when it comes to fuel/power. If $120 every weekend is nothing to you then I would say go V8.



    i thought it was 190? and is my boat really only a 4cyl?


    I will work on my dad about getting a new prop...maybe he'll give in after this season...just maybe

  3. Hell yeah I am in the future. :bangbang:


    Actually though it is almost noon for you guys Christmas eve and it is still only 8pm Christmas eve for us. Especially us who work nights. Our day is just starting. It is nice when I do work nights because as everyone at home is waking up to start their day so am I. I also end up going to bed around Midnight there so it is kinda comparable to your guys days at home. Even though by the time we get off work it will Be Christmas day and still Christmas eve for us it doesnt really count much for us. Our Christmas day will start around 4 pm tomorow cause we will just be waking up, as will most of you around 8-9am. Days are a little different but not too bad.


    did you get my damn package yet???

  4. I witnessed a multi-car pile-up on the Lane Avenue bridge. On my way back through the same area, they had shut down the bridge.



    just passed this, and as of a few minutes ago...the bridge was seemingly clear, but cols pd is still guarding it with 5 cruisers and flares...i had to take the long way around to my apartment...


    On a separate yet related note, tonight I saw the most sickening accident I've ever witnessed on the freeway. I live about 30 miles west of columbus and on my way back to campus I saw a semi that was diagonally occupying (and facing the wrong direction) all 3 lanes of 70 W less than a mile from the US 42 exit, and it must have just happened soon before I passed because the medics and fdp and pd were there but there wasnt much of a traffic backup yet. As I was passing, I happened to see the other side of the truck and there was actually a small, silver 2 door car flattened completely by the end of the trailer of the semi....the firemen were just standing there staring at the wreckage, and sadly the crash didnt even look survivable...the entire car was pancaked. Needless to say I drove away sick to my stomach... :(


    Drive safely everyone...

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