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Posts posted by Brrcats

  1. See, I thought that if you could manipulate the mass to zero then an object would require almost no energy to bring up to speed, due to e=mc(squared), so you could just continually manipulate the mass to keep up with your energy.


    I'm not talking about the amount if energy required to get either to their top speeds. I'm just saying, without utilizing the warp theory, the fastest you can go is the speed of light. thats it.


    but with warp you can "go" much, much faster

  2. I have a small collection of NES, SNES, and N64 stuff. I've been keeping it around for posterity sakes as I fire them up every now and again. Havent had a lot of time for it lately and I've been moving it around with me alot.


    I might be able to let them go, reluctantly

  3. I've watched the old episodes, some of them are straight up crazy people, some are people with some good ideas.


    i remember seeing the guy in LA who only eats weeds and stuff found along the aquaducts. Talk about an important skill, but dude, you took it way too far.

  4. With the number of break-ins that occurred and with previous thefts including guns, I would have to assumed they would be armed.


    Waiting till the next day to admit there was a shooting after cops had been called to the house for "suspicious activity", thats where things start going in the wrong direction for him.


    I'm sure people are sad that these two kids are dead, but they're still criminals that were involved in highly dangerous activities.

  5. I just moved into Fieldstone Trace. I haven't had any problems but I have heard some horror stories. Although there are some pretty trashy people here, so I'm not surprised.


    Just to note, I have not had any issues while I've lived there, the staff has always been nice and I've always had any issues fixed in a timely manner. I've just also heard the horror stories of the move out.


    Just document the apartment top to bottom. If you get collection calls, just tell them immediately to take you to court.


    As for breaking the lease, you owe rent till the apartment is re-rented. For 7 months, plan on paying at least 2.


    I had read that, I'll have to have my next door neighbor let me know when they rent it once I"m gone, so theres no funny business on that end.




    that's really all you need to know. lots of good advice and pertinent links where necessary.


    From my personal experience, my 2 roommates and I moved out a couple years ago (not Ardent) and they apparently left a small pile of garbage in an apartment with cat-torn carpets (near doors), stains, and other minor damage. they charged us $215.


    You have the right to demand an itemized list of charges. When I moved out of my apt in Boston, they charged us $3000 and itemized an number of man-hours to clean the place. I had given them permission to enter the apartment to clean while we still had time left on our lease since we'd all moved out. As it turned out, they said a 3 person crew had done 120 hours of work over the course of a week to repair everything. What they didn't know is I returned 3 days after we gave them permission to go in to take pictures and the place had already been completely done. We ended up getting back $2800 without going to court.


    As a side note, I had negotiated with the landlord to leave a sleeper sofa and large kitchen table to the next tenants and they also tried to list "furniture left behind" as a reason to charge us. that came back as part of the $2800.


    thanks for the link, the documentation process will be extensive to say the least.


    So if they come back with charges, dont I have to take them to court? Not the other way around? Wouldnt they just send it to collections?


    I'm trying to avoid that because doesnt that typically affect your credit?

  6. LOL TC, god I loved messing with that guy. Wife and I lived in Fieldstone Trace, near Polaris, back before we bought our house in Westerville. Lived in the appartment for 3+ years, never had a problem. Moved out and ended up receiving a bill from them for over $7,000 in cleaning and repairs. All of it complete bull shit. Then the calls from my old buddy TC trying all the tricks in the books. My wife and I both have worked in all stages of collections and know our rights. Had some interesting conversations with TC about the bull shit charges and such. Many times him telling us they would take us to court. Last time I talked to him, we told him, see you there. Shortly afterwords, a good lawyer friend of ours, looked over the lease, bill, our proof of no damage, obtained written statements from friends, neighbors, etc about the condition of the apartment when they helped us move. He called TC up and also had a good conversation with him and we have never received another phone call from them.


    About once every 3 months, we get letters from Triangle (never was Triangle when we lived there) letter head threating to take us to court. They also send those letters out to anyone on your applications. So our friends and parents get them too. We keep them all in a file if they ever come after us. But they are outside the statute of limitations to sue us and always keep a close eye on our credit report and they have never put anything on my wife's or mine.


    TC is his real name (shortened) he is a family member of one of the owners of Ardent.


    Only word of suggestion for you is if you are still living in the apartment, take photos with time and date stamp of everything before you move out. If they try to charge you for trumped up cleanging or repair charges ask for photo proof of the before and after, as well as the receipts for the work actually performed. Good luck.


    I"ve read several complaints originating from fieldstone terrace. I plan on documenting as much as possible. Hopefully it will be enough. I'm not worried so much about proving myself in court, but I'm concerned over credit damage from being in collections on bogus charges.


    I would contact a lawyer and cover your ass 100% for getting out without getting harassed.



    Agreed, if any of you that have had experience with this company in the past have used a lawyer to help you fight your case please send me their contact information. I would prefer to use someone that is familiar with the tactics used by this company to scam people.

  7. I lived with these shady fucks. I moved and cleaned my place and got a bill for window seals dirty, blinds dusty, etc...a bunch of BS. In fact, I refused to pay and they took me to court. Always always take before and after pics. Fuck Ardent!


    I did take before pictures and was extremely picky in documenting what was wrong with the apartment before I moved in. My computer crashed though and I lost those pictures. I should still have the written documentation though.


    I'm going to photograph and videotape the apartment after I get done cleaning. If they allow me to be there during the inspection, which they are supposed to, then I should hopefully be able to properly protect myself from them padding the repair bill.


    I'm fully expecting having to go to court though, hope for the best, plan for the worst. When you went did you represent yourself or did you hire a lawyer?


    Also is there a way to search court cases? Perhaps I can study up and see what people did against this company to win?


    Hey, I thought you were buying house.


    Thats the plan, I"d prefer to not have to keep my apartment as well though.

  8. Is that video a call he had with you or is that just a random one off the internet? If anyone talked to me like that I would burn the entire place down with him in it.


    Not sure I follow the entire situation here........


    Anyway, wife and I rented from Triangle nearly 20 years ago with no problems but again, long time back.


    I would make it my lifes work finding him.


    Thats just a vid i was linked to, it wasnt me. I cant believe the lack of professionalism shown here. Obviously TC isnt a real name, but if I were treated like that you'd bet your ass I'd be finding that guy.


    I'd like to avoid all that drama though.


    Basically the situation is that I'm in a lease for another 7 months or so, however I may have an opportunity for a great deal on a house in the next few months. So I'm trying to mitigate as much risk as possible from falling into the situation of fighting trumped up cleaning charges and fighting with this TC guy.

  9. No, I've never pursued it, anytime I speak with any landlord I'm interested in renting from, I'm very up front about the fact that it is on my record and I explain it to them. I've not had a problem with it, but I don't go through any property management companies anymore. Someday I'll look into how to get it cleared from my record, but for now I have more priorities to worry about at the moment.


    understandable, I expect to be in the next house for quite a while, so I need this to go off as easily as possible.

  10. I used to live right off of polaris and rent from Ardent. Seems a shady company to me for sure, and I have delt with the TC guy. They did trump up the charges on me to the tune of about 3 grand (after deposit was applied), but some was justified (carpets needed replaced because the washer flooded once, but they knew about that among other things). I didn't have the money in the time frame they wanted and they took it to court to get a judgement against me and my wife. On top of that I have an eviction on my record because of them when I shouldn't. The lease said you need to give 2 months notice in writing prior to moving out and I did such, but somehow got an eviction like a month after I moved out. Also, if any charges are deserved after you move out, the TC guy admitted that you can make an offer on what you owe and not have to pay the entire ammount.


    Did you have or pursue any recourse with the eviction? My main concern here is my cash flow and my credit score. I plan on puchasing a house in the near future and I dont want any of the shady dealings with this company to hinder that.

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