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Everything posted by prettyprix

  1. yeaaa...i'm gonna look into that.
  2. I'll b there too, but i'm just staying in the dorm with one of my friends. Do you know where we park?
  3. prettyprix


    from what i've heard of the new album i like it, I haven't got it yet tho.
  4. prettyprix


    fail http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np7yvo0ACzc&NR=1
  5. There's a lil bit on the video, but you can only really see the big rip
  6. This is a video of us that my friend made. It's really cool!!!
  7. Ya if you fall or jump off wrong you are done. they told me it was 55 but i actually have no idea. I just know i feel like i got hit by a truck today! Lol i didn't feel it yesterday but it feels like my whole body is kinda bruised. I'll totally do it again tho!!!
  8. o dang! I didn't know about that! The sherif just told us that the owners were cool with people going there but people kept leaving shit behind and they were sick of cleaning it up, and they were vandalizing the house. When did that happen? I would never ever try to jump there at night.
  9. ya i know someone who has been jumping there for a long time, so he went first. you can see where it is deep easy, it just drops off. I still can't watch video's but i know this is it just from the picture.
  10. and the internet sucks so i'm still trying to watch the video...I hate the internet here.
  11. its in carroll, ohio. its east on 33 i forget exactly how to get there, i didn't drive.
  12. it was so cool! You get about half way down then you realize you haven't hit the water yet...and you are going really fast! My roommate shredded her shorts on impact lol yea the cops showed up to this place, but one of the guys i was with knows the owner so he's gonna get a note or something from them so we can go back.
  13. I just went cliff jumping today for the first time. It was awesome! I went to rock mill or something like that, it was about a 55ft jump. Anyone know of any other good places to jump?
  14. Why do they even do 1/8 at events like this? I understand for juniors or really really powerful cars...
  15. Well, I asked him and he wasn't much help...so I'm still not sure.
  16. I'm not exactly sure, i hope there will b tnt cuz i can't go friday. My cousin told me about it in the first place, i'll ask him.
  17. Here's a link to the schedule and stuff: http://www.nationaltrailraceway.com/apcm/templates/news.asp?articleid=33091&zoneid=23 I can't be there friday, but i'm going to be there saturday and sunday.
  18. now i'm really pissed that i haven't seen that episode yet!
  19. Anyone going to the Halloween Hoot Out at trails this weekend?
  20. prettyprix


    I'm not very good at set but I was in an indoor drumline, it was one of the best experiences of my life.
  21. ah, makes sense. And that really sucks for the car under the cop car in the other one...doesn't look like too much happened to the cop car though.
  22. Hahaha!!! i was surprised it could even ramp the cop car like that.
  23. prettyprix


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvtXaleMsGE Wasn't expecting that lol
  24. I'm not saying he's good, actually i think a lot of his lyrics are ridiculous, but i still like him for some reason.
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