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Posts posted by nickleyw

  1. What made you decide to change things up?


    Looks much better now



    The ricer look was fun for awhile, but the stock look, or I guess slightly modified look does a lot more for me.


    Also, the front and rear bumpers from the bodykit got a little crunched from separate incidents... neither my fault, and both purely cosmetic, but the money from the insurance allowed me to do this a lot sooner than I had planned :p

  2. Hello All,


    About a year ago, I posted pics of my 1991 MR2. It was riced out pretty badly, as seen below:





    There was a lot of hate, but no surprises there. But, to the dismay of many, I made it through the oven.


    Over the last year, I removed the body kit and stickers, and got my MR2 repainted. Figured I would put it back up on the chopping block so you all could see my progress:










    Yes, that front trim piece is missing... it's supposed to have a side marker light in it too. I am waiting for new pieces, without any light, to ship.


    Next steps?

    (1) Replace the faded "racing" seats with the stock ones, or better aftermarket seats.


    (2) Fix the a/c


    (3) Sound system + something I can plug my mp3 player into.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Your mom is strong if she's already fought this 6 times and won. Yes, it sucks that it's come back again, but you need to be the kind of supporter your mom was for you! Give her the energy she needs to pull through again!


    Prayer heals, and your family will be in mine.

  4. yeah, a 6 page intro...


    I have a good idea about what it takes to "make it" here. Thanks for the burn, it actually feels kinda good to hear all the stuff your friends won't say... flavor flav gets roasted.


    To all you other n00bs, don't be afraid to post and roast... it doubt it gets any worse than this!

    • Upvote 1
  5. quoted for truth.




    you can disagree all you want. ....the fact is even with a 3sgte motor.. it still is lacking compare to alot of cars... ill even throw a miata into the mix jsut because its one of the gayest cars ever made... but fact is..suspension a decent set of rubber and a basic turbo kit and it rips mr2s....and alot of other cars for that matter.


    and.. umm ..a few.. but only because of the potential they had before the movie creators got ahold of them and made them as sweet as your car is now.. (/sarcasm)


    and i doubt uve ever been to cleveland..... because u wouldnt say we are about looks.... we ar eprobibly home to some of the fastest peices of shit in the usa.





    Thanks for pointing out the sarcasm, I definitely wouldn't have caught that on my own! (/sarcasm)


    I know that there are plenty of other cars, both foreign and domestic, that have more potential than an mr2. BUT, the mr2, especially the 3sgte, has potential. And, as I'm sure your racing people know, there is more than one type of racing. Obviously an mr2 won't ever be king of the drag strip. But, with a mid engine, and the right suspension mods, rubber and engine mods they can make great track cars.


    I also know that most of you actually DO care about more than the looks of a car... it's performance. I'm merely trying to get at what you're overlooking, and that is the driver, and any potential he has.


    My hometown is near Cleveland, I know what you're talking about.


    But, there are other ends to this spectrum. Performance is one, to be sure. Total all-out ricer is another, to be sure. I would also say that mint stock is another. You guys show little respect. And I'm sure you could all stand to learn a little from the other ends as well.

  6. your car IS rice....

    rice is very very bad....

    your car has no potential at stock.. so dont bother.. jsut mod it from here on out.

    the part of it that likes it needs to commit suicide.... NOW.

    strip the stickers and save your money.

    theres nothing good about cars from or like F & F strobes and big non functional wings have no use in this world.


    I disagree, there are a lot of mr2's out there with a stock look that have plenty of racing potential. And plenty that have reached that potential.


    I hate big non-functional wings and strobes... I'm sure most people can find something to like about some of the cars in the fnf movies.


    And so what if part of me likes the way it looks?



    And GonneVille, if you would have read more carefully, you would have seen several reasons that you didn't mention for why I am choosing to leave my car the way it is for now. Only cool people have negative rep. Thanks, and come again.



    It's clear that most of you don't give a shit about anything other than how a car looks. Once you see it, your minds are made up. What about the driver? I'm willing (maybe less willing than before) to learn what you guys can teach me... everyone can teach something. Once you get past all of the personal preference bullshit, maybe you can teach me a thing or two about RACING instead of trying to bully me off these forums with your crude and one-sided comments. You want your chance to "educate a ricer"? Then do it, and do it in a way that you actually think will make me want to listen.

  7. e-thug, that's about right.


    u ninja, no hard feelings man... that was fun


    to sum it all up:

    people here consider my car rice

    rice is bad

    some people think my car has potential if I go back to stock

    I want to leave it "rice" because part of me likes it and because the other part of me has no money to spend on it right now

    the parts of fast n furious I like are the cars, not the bad acting or unrealistic criminal racing crap... that's just entertainment, not real life, obviously

    unicorn ninja is an e-thug, not that there's anything wrong with being an e-thug

    unicorn ninja is fun to e-argue with

    V8 BEAST is just hilarious

    I think I like it here

    • Upvote 1
  8. I didn't ask for a damn thing. I will take a break when I decide I want one.


    Sweet dreams (because you couldn't have them without my permission), have a great day at your success-bringing job, and give your girl a kiss from me!

  9. No, I'm successful and have a job to go to. I also need to drive one of my three cars to OSU tomorrow to speak with a professor of mine.


    Well, since UNinga wants a break, I suppose I can grant that.


    It was good while it lasted, everyone can put their pants back on and go home.

  10. Interestingly moronic statement. I speak English, some Spanish, and Some Russian. Hell, I can even sign ASL a little. I speak in the most universal voice I can. I will never give up when I am right. I will never back down from a weak opponent (that would be you).


    The world has an even chance at winning an argument. Come with the right equipment and you can win. A chance at being heard? You have spoken your side all you wanted, I won't quiet anyone. I will talk about ignorance when I see it, thanks. You pity me for what? Being successful? Being smarter than you?


    I wouldn't know if you're successful, or if you're smarter than I am. Especially since your definition of success is surely different than mine.


    Oh, and I misspoke. I don't pity you, I pity everyone that has ever met you since your mind has been in the state it's currently in. I'm sure you weren't always this crude.


    And ignorant you most definitely are! You don't know me. All you think you know is based on what I've typed. Does that also make me ignorant, nope. I don't presume to actually know anything about you... I just type to make your type angry and entertaining for the rest of us.

  11. the car has potential.....


    minus everything it has done to it... 3sgte... some suspension... and myb itll be decent.everything it has now it needs taken off....


    and i hope to christ your on south campus.. cus i cant wait to see that the trash down there does to that little rice box.


    I'm glad to see that someone can see something positive.


    And right now, I'm sure that most of the cars out there could take mine in a straight line... it's just the 2.2L 5sfe. Good gas mileage tho.

  12. All hail the Unicorn Ninja! He speaks in tongues that none of us are worthy of hearing. In fact, the very earth on which he stands quivers - he will never give up, never give in to an argument! That is, of course, if he doesn't deem the one with whom he argues unworthy of his unmatched logic!


    Man, I hope the girl you end up with has a better chance than the rest of the world does at winning, or even being heard, in an argument with you. Talk about ignorance. You assume too much and too little about the people you judge, and I pity you.

  13. Ability to judge oneself does not correspond to the ability to judge others.


    I agree, but think this statement is incomplete.


    Ability to judge oneself does not correspond to the ability to judge others. However, the accuracy with which one judges others is directly proportional to the accuracy with which one judges himself.

  14. You actually LIKE the body kit?


    And you say you can't afford paint or whatever, but all it takes is like 79 cents for a plastic scraper and a couple hours of patience, and all those gay ass vinyls will magically vanish!


    The body kit honestly doesn't bother me. Just an opinion. I like other body kits better than this one, but why not be happy with what I have?


    True, those vinyls could be gone tomorrow. But, the paint is a little faded, and their absence would mean weird streaks, etc. And, like I said before, I respect the previous owner's work, and part of me likes it the way it is. Maybe not as much as I would with them off and with new paint...

  15. Do you understand determination of emotion? No? I didn't think so. Fuckin' moron.


    Reading comprehension, do you have it? Your logic is flawed, I pointed that out.


    Why would I want to picture you? I guess you don't realize how little I value anything you say? I guess you fail to grasp my true lack of anything resembling care.


    You pointed out what you think is fools logic, but didn't explain what's wrong with it.


    And you obviously care... you're responding to every single one of my posts! Ever think I was just trying to see how far I could drag this out? Oh, of course not, you will stop when you want to stop. And, your responses have nothing to do with your true lack of anything resembling care.


    I forgot, I'm dealing with the Holy Christ of perfect logic. Not.


    You know, someone with real logic can take what someone says and do more than just say "no. fag. fuck. retard."

  16. You are allowed to curse here... LOL @ the PG rated newb


    BTW, If you havnt noticed I'm not really on anyones side. I'm just the guy that gives new people the confidence to come back so that I can have something to read at night. :p


    noted and noticed

  17. I didnt do it, you actually got more positive rep than negative.


    P.S. Stop fucking hitting the enter button after each sentence!!!


    If you dont stop I will turn on you faster than your import through an auto cross course!


    Its like you type in really small paragraphs... wtf!



    It's easier to read in small paragraphs. I finish a thought, hit return, and go onto the next thought.

  18. First of all, my opinion if much more important than yours. Second, I am not angry, you are ignorant. Direct your retard thoughts somewhere else.


    You have fools logic. I am ashamed that OSU actually let someone like you in.


    Ok, argue with me in person. Like I could give a fuck if I'm on the internet or standing there. You should know, arguments are no more effective in person than they are in different types of media. God damn, you are so stupid.


    Brian, thanks for letting more fucktards on here.


    Angry, yes. Yes you are. No, really. You are.


    Show me my "fools logic."


    I am actually laughing out loud reading your responses... so why don't you picture me as the little ricer punk you know I am, and picture me laughing right in your face. There I am, in your face, laughing.



    Look pal, I get it. You don't like rice. You're right, f*ck everyone else who doesn't think so.

  19. It's great. I guess I can make some people go apeshit crazy just by posting stuff about my car.


    I do value other people's opinions, I'm just not out to please anyone... it's my car.


    Ninja, I'm glad you have an opinion, and I'm sure it feels good to get all of that anger out where everyone can see what a badass you really are.


    I'm sure some people can see the logic behind some of my choices without me spelling everything out.


    Arguing is much more effective in person than it is in type on some forum.


    Thanks, Beast, for letting me take a look-see at the rest of the forum.

  20. Well well, quite the reception!


    I gotta give it to you guys, I actually hoped to get a little roughed up... I didn't know much about these forums, but it is clear to me that stupid sh*t isn't tolerated.


    Let me start with this: I'm not out to please anyone but me when it comes to my car.


    Right now, I'm in school, and have no money to spend on my car, other than on stuff it needs to keep it in good mechanical shape.


    I'm not a huge fan of the vinyls, and do plan to strip them and get the car painted a solid color... probably a deep blue or pearl white. But, like I said, I don't have the cash for that right now, so it's going to wait.


    Fart-cannon exhausts are retarded. Mine is neither fart-cannon nor retarded.


    Actually, I've decided to leave the car as is until I can do what I want with it. Partially as a tribute to its previous owner who did all of the work, and then had to sell it before going to war.


    And although it's ricey, I really like it. I don't mind fast'n furious for a couple of years... I know you all watched those movies... it appeals to my inner-kid.


    Also, I have ALL of the parts to convert this back to stock... seats, front and back ends, exhaust, wheels, even the rotors and calipers.


    I'm sure there's a lot I can learn from you guys, but I don't need to be a part of some good ol'boys club to be happy with my car.


    How about some respect? Or didn't your daddies teach you about that...

    • Upvote 1
  21. I am looking to learn more about racing and tuning... most of what you see wasn't done by me, but by the previous owner. Track day sounds good.


    Oh, so you guys know, I'm more than willing to help design stickers and posters, etc for any events that want them. I can't print them out, but have some background in that type of stuff.

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