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Posts posted by Bens06GTP

  1. Yeah it blows. Make the best of it though. As long as you dont have to work Christmas day.


    I am fine with missing Christmas totally this year, I dont know if it is a mental thing because I know I cant be there or what but I dont have any problems just telling myself Christmas isnt coming around for me this time. We are really lucky though here. Everyone is doing a good job making sure that people are doing alright for the holidays and enjoying it as much as possible. We have really good food, tons of random goodies, tons of packages from families, and even a little party (with no damn beer) for us tomorow. I havent looked recently but I know the weather has been shitty for you guys. Hopefully its better now, but I know you sure as hell not enjoying the 75* that I am.



    Right now I have the same attitude. I couldnt care less if Christmas comes this year or not. I praying that it is because Im here and because I bent my rim last night and not because Im being a scrooge. Im going to try to be cheerful for everyone elses sake, but at this point thats going to take some effort.



    Stay safe over there man, and thank you for what you do for us here in the states.

  2. Hey look at it this way, at least you are still in the country and you get to at least see family and friends. It could be worse.



    Dont get me wrong, I am not complaining I signed up for what I am doing. But it makes it hard to feel bad for others.



    I appreciate what you do, but you are correct. You signed up for that. I guess I also signed up for working on X-Mas eve. Either way it blows, and I cant wait to get out of here today and spend the holiday with people I like instead of annoying co-workers.

  3. It's newer, dude....Wait till Xbox's retort.



    :lol: With the Falcon chips the 360's still have a 10% fail rate.



    X-Box pissed me off when they wouldnt fix my 360 for free. Im getting 2 red lights and it takes about 20 trys to get it to turn on and work properly. Called them and they wont fix it for free unless it has 3 red lights. So fvck MS and their sh*ty product. I bought a PS3 and have been a happy gamer since.

  4. My daughter is the only thing keeping me here. I actually had the chance to leave earlier this year and didnt. They are shuting down this service center, and we have centers in Raleigh NC, and Gainesville FL (theres more service centers, but those two were the only locations that I was interested in). They flew me down to both and I got to take a tour of each one and eat lunch with some of the managers there. I thought I would have a few months to think about it. But I took the trips in the middle and end of April, and they wanted an answer in May. If my daughter was older and could take trips to see me, I would of went.
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