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Posts posted by ZappBrannigan

  1. Word. I don't give money to people who are too fuckin lazy to go find a job. Or at least attempt to search for one. (even with our economy sucking balls, they can still least pull a part time job)


    I never give money to lazy bums either, i'll tell them I dont have any cash on me, then walk away with a pocket full of change clinging loudly every step i take.


    I do however toss quarters to bums that work for it by singing me terrible songs lol. My fav was the guy that sat at the gas station on 15th and summit that would rap (not the rapping bum, he got annoying).. but eventually he started posting up on our porch drinking 40's so we had to call the cops and had him relocated to another part of town.


    Anyways I would rank beating up a poor homeless guy on the same level as that dude in iraq that kicked a dog off a cliff. Pretty fucking pathetic.

  2. I know what you mean. I have been thinking about selling the Talon lately. I NEVER drive it anymore. School has become so intense that I just never get the chance to enjoy the car anymore. I usually get the Si out if anything. I have been seriously considering selling both for an S2000.


    Then, there is the part of me that says to just hold onto the 1G until I am done with school. I dunno what the hell to do.


    I was in the same mindset as you. Last summer i think i drove my Z like 9 times, and was debating on getting rid of it and my daily for an sti or 370z. I think something about getting super busy and tied down pushes us away from our hobbies and into just vegging out and doing as little as possible whenever we get some time off. In the end I held onto the car and I'm glad I did because I won't get another fun fast ride like this for what I've already invested, and neither will you. I didn't really word that last sentence right because I'm tired as fuck but you get the idea.

  3. Yeah i couldn't get my car ready in time. I was going to halfass it just to make it but I decided that was prob a bad idea.. and my main concern was my steering which is kind of a big deal. Check out the old/new bushings! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/GreekGod284/IM000606.jpg
  4. They would look good if there were other hints of red like this




    TE37s are incapable of looking bad even if you don't favor the time attack color scheme.

  5. yeah i fucking hate dipshits. I had someone fuck my hatch up, and i still don't know how. All i know is its got about a million scratches and looks like ass in one section. Im guessing someone used it to kick off of and all the cracks and scratches are simply from stress. Its about as gay as the dent/broke tail lights i had thanks to a beer bottle from another douche. I don't understand vandalizing personal property. Public property is okay though lol.
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