Well what it was for me is simple. I had owned a few hondas in the past and I really liked how simple they were to maintain compared to some of the other cars I've owned. So when my 99si was stolen I was but in a situation where I needed to get a new car soon and the insurance company only gave me so much money. Well my credit was good but to get a better rate I needed a consigner and the only way they would sign is if I bought a new car instead of buying "other peoples problems" also known as used. So that left me with a budget of 400 bucks a month to find a nice reliable car. So that narrowed it down to Mazdaspeed3 civic si and cobalt ss. Knowing what I know now I would have considered the cobalt ss Much more than I initially did.
As for as why I supercharged the car. There isn't much for tuning these cars yet and the comptech supercharger actually made more power on less psi than the greddy turbo kit, which is the only other option for now. Thanks for asking I'll gladly give anyone a ride, It's practical quick and revs to 8600 what more could you want.