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Posts posted by crazydk

  1. I bet someone has something useful to say, come on now, I have faith in you.


    p.s. good luck with the IP address it’s cool to see the other users on that server.



  2. Point and case…


    “~ Real racers race with their cars... not their keyboards ~”

    This is what we call a contradiction.

    1. According to Marxist theory, contradiction is a tenet of dialectical reasoning rather than a logical error.

    2. Contradiction is held to be present in all phenomena and to be the principal reason for their motion and development.


    V8 Beast- “suck ass” improper English



    “What in theee hell? Your sentences are worse than Paul's.”

    Two sentence fragments and one spelling error! Can you find them?



    “Paul, you have now moved on to the fourth grade.... this guy, hes getting held back and going to the special ed van outside...”

    Multiple chose.

    Technician A said He is getting held back.

    Technician B said even if you forgot to put an apostrophe it still is improper.

    Questions just ask the third great teacher tomorrow.


    Wagner. (^ = Control or Ctrl, wedge)… “^do this” …?...

    Animal House is the best. Toga! Toga! Toga!


    Super GTP- I did not see an occupation line on your description. How else you would know about bumper stickers at auto zone, you’re an employee there.

    It is a funny site http://www.gmproblems.com


    Jeffro- what the hell? you make us stang owners bad.

    Come on, more… you make us stang owners mad.

    You make us mustang owners look bad.

    You make mustang owners sad.

    Do I get my pizza free if you’re late?


    Brrcats- I, hope, your, girl-friend, Is, on, it. Hint-hint, occupation.


    Ransey- It is a very good vehicle; just because it can pull a trailer doesn’t mean it is bad. But I am not to sure about the mustang next to me.


    Leviathan… ? Do your research.

    The apocryphal Book of Enoch speaks of a companion beast. ‘And in that day will two monsters be separated a female named Leviathan to dwell in the abyss over the fountains of waters.



    woo hooo on to 4th grade where the women still have kooties an one year closer to bow chicka bow bowwww

    so brian what your saying is since ive post whored the shit outta this place an have 3k posts my +/- rep is worth 3 ...hmm this coudl be fun

    ok back on topic :

    the "mean" you suck at life an your mustangs probably a pos an seeing as you have to go to court today great. hopefully they keep you in there for being such a retard an cant read a simple sticker thread that states how you can get in here.

    the "nice" welcome to cr goodluck trying to get in


    Look out there’s going to be a girl fight!


    O RWHP- to answer your question no!

    GTO stands for -Get tools out

    Gas tires oil

    Funny, if not, ask a fourth grader.


    Michael westen- have you ever heard of a Roast? Well I figured the boy’s wouldn’t play nice so in good fun I compiled some interesting quotes, facts, jokes, and good old burning,


    Sorry but no pictures, they will come. If you want to know about me or my car then ask, that is what cr is for right? Communication is the key.


    All in the name of fun, you know you asked for it.



    • Downvote 6
  3. hay, i found where to post. now what, i have some business to take care of. lets get it on the way.:bangbang:


    i drive a mustang

    im around the north and west side of columbus... i know cr web site.

    i drive it, like i stole it


    damn, it late or early, i have court today, not racing.


    see you on the streets.

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