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Chad Bittle

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Posts posted by Chad Bittle

  1. I was a 19E/K-10 (armor crewman), did OSUT at Ft. Knox, then went to 1st Cav Ft. Hood and finished up with the 3/163rd ACAV (TXARNG). Just as you are doing, I went in as an E3 ... had no interest in OCS, got out as an E7.


    In exchange for 6 years (4 active, 2 NG) the Army paid off all my college student loans, gave me some cash and if I ever decide to go back to college, that would be paid for also. There were many different enlistment programs with various incentives. Don't hesitate to ask about all of them. Take your time picking an MOS based on your test scores. If you can choose one which crosses over into civilian life thats a good idea too ... even though I didn't, I don't regret my choice.


    Also :


    When you have to sign a receipt for any equipment issue make sure and draw a line at your signature and write " nothing follows ". Supply guys are notoriously sneaky, try to make friends with them in your unit if you can ... verify every item you sign for.


    Buy a decent but not too expensive pair of running shoes and break them in a little bit before you leave for basic training.


    Motorpool NCO's take it personally when you break stuff, doesnt matter if its your fault or not.



    Good Luck !



    This is all really good info. Especially getting an MOS that will help you later in life, if that's what you want to do. The best thing I've heard applying for a job since I ETS'd was 'so all that you can do is shoot bullets?'. No one is looking for 12B experience I guess, lol.

  2. <----- 12B Combat Engineer (8 years)

    Get ready to love the FM 5-34.

    You should be going to Ft.Leonardwood for basic/AIT. I did it back in 02 at Lost in the Woods. I can answer most of your questions regarding being a combat engineer. I've been through many phases of what we were, to what we've become. And an FYI, hope you like to blow shit up, because that's why I picked that MOS.



    Sometimes you are the shit that blew up.


  3. Your right, when the average american is struggling we should tax the hell out of the people that invested in their community (property owners). Then we'll make as many public schools, parks, other activities free to everyone so in small towns like mine the welfare rats that plop out as many children as possible because their income goes up, can take advantage of all their free shit while they just pay rent and still don't contribute to raising their own children.


    112 Billion dollars over the next 2 years for 4,000 Ohio schools.....and they are over budget? 35% of that is spent on non-instructional activities. Seems to me there is a big difference between intelligence and education.

  4. I have a hard time feeling sorry for someone that works 7-8 months a year and makes 65,000+ a year in a town that has an average salary of 28,000. Even worse is the administrators that make up 5% of the faculty and make 95% of the money will be cutting teachers, janitors, etc (95% of the faculty that fights for 5% of the money). Yet everyone will just sit back and watch it happen while they bitch and moan that someone should do something.
  5. If SHTF, I'd stick with NATO calibers and common police rounds. If they're long gone, there would probably be some of it laying around. This is assuming both the Military and Law Enforcement are long gone. 5.56, 7.62, 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP (possibly) and good ol' 12 gauge. Personally, I've got more long guns than handguns for a reason. You can also look at the popular hunting calibers aswell. Granted, it is only but one side to the equation, but it is also an equalizer of sorts. Not to mention, I consider firearms to be a bargaining tool aswell. I'm not bringing 50 weapons with mr because it ain't really feasible. After the basics of food, water and shelter, communication would be a large hurdle.


    You need to STFU....your giving away all the good ideas. :asshole:






  6. The state guys are alright, they actually have to deal with scum on a regular basis so they don't have a chip on their shoulder...well most.



    It's the city and county cops that will never do more then write a traffic ticket that give people a hard time and act like they are going to war every time their shift starts....well most, lol.


    I'm not a firm believer in one rep maxes because it proves shit but...

    Bench - 330 (I have a video of doing 325 last year)

    Squat - 350 (Really low right now as I am scared that I am going to blow out my balls) High School did 425 when I didn't give a shit.

    Deadlift - ?? (No idea never maxed on this to be honest)



    Ever try DC Training? Always thought it wasn't enough workload. Into 3rd week of it and like it a lot.

  8. If you weigh almost 300 pounds you need to be eating more then 1800 calories a day, your setting yourself up for failure. Nutrient timing is vital. Carbs should be kept to a minimum and if your goal is fat loss your first meal of the day should be the only time carbs are eaten. Rule of thumb is 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per LEAN POUND of body weight. Never mix simple carbs with complex carbs. Cardio Cardio and more Cardio, keep your heart rate at 65% of your max for at least 45 minutes no more then an hour. Any more then 65% and your doin too much. Any more then an hour and you go catabolic and your body starts eating muscle for energy.
  9. Theres no way anyone can convince me global warming is actually going on....yes shit is changing but weather patterns have only been measured and kept since about the 1600's. The earth is estimated to be 4.55 Billion years old. You break that down into terms that are a little easier to calculate that means if the earth has been around for 1 year (365 days), we've been tracking the weather for about .0000000003 seconds. Yea, definately enough to predict whats going on.


    And if pollution and humans are to blame for the weather changes, then I wanna know what in the hell the dinosaurs where driving because they got fucked over BIG TIME.

  10. Hmm, why not go to manual windows and locks? Why keep the center console (I understand the dash)? Going to gut the old dashes out and put a plate in for aftermarket dashes? And the important part, what's going in it?


    The center console is gonna be gone, just hadn't taken it out at the point in the pic. Kinda like the idea of keeping the car in as much street trim as possible. Probably not gonna go faster then 10.00's anytime in the near future so that little bit of weight isn't gonna hurt anything. Taking the guardrails out of the doors will make a HUGE difference anyway. And yes we're gonna take the dash apart and put in some Autometer guages.


    I'm taking the 440 out of my dad's '72 Challenger, just have to give him his aluminum heads back for his new one:( so the 906 cast heads will go back on until I can afford new ones after its built.

  11. I don't understand what ever happened to things like 'natural selection' and 'weeding out the weak'. As far as schools, first there was Head Start, then no kid left behind. Then with businesses and banks they fuck up big time, blame anyone but themselves and then ask for more money from people that make less then half of their salaries.


    What doesn't make sense to me is why in the hell aren't people outraged about it? Some of you guys say things like the Blue Jackets are the backbone to business and economy so feed them more money? I've got news for you, they are FAILING. So yea, just feed 'em more money that way they can FAIL later down the road and make all of us poor.


    I, in no way, think I'm above/higher then anyone else. I work two jobs, one for a small family owned furniture company and the second my own lawn service that I took over after my grandfather passed away. I make barely $28,000 a year and they expect ME to pay for them to stay afloat? Bullshit.


    All I know is if I fucked up at either one of my jobs as bad as any of the banks, huge corps. and the Blue Jackets I'd be fired quicker then shit.

  12. Well haven't made much progress really since I started here, just finished my little side job for the season so should have more time to work on the car. But here's some pic's of what we've done so far.


    Tore out most of the interior, gonna keep the original dash, steering wheel and the power windows/door locks.



    Motor is out



    And got most of the floor cut out....



    Just gotta trim out a little more when we get the wheel tubs, ordered the ladder bars this weekend....



    About the ride height we want...


  13. chad your so GANSTAH . Wow....


    There are members of rhte law enformcent on this site who are cool.


    Not trying to be a keyboard gangster, just saying don't hold double standards. There are bigger problems in the world. Just pisses me off when I go 40mph in a 35 in front of a cop then the dumb bastard does 80 to catch up to me.....that make sense to you?






    Oh wait, he's a cop, he's aloud to right? :rolleyes:

  14. And wow guys, I love animals too, but...


    These dogs lived a better life than living wild in the streets, and were killed apparently quickly... So why are you people not outraged that there are probably hundreds of dogs that die of hunger every week, instead of condemning someone with way too many adjectives when you only know the story that you saw on an online news site?



    Sure its from the news, but it doesn't make him any less of a piece of shit for doing it. I guess you have a point about dogs dying everyday. But so do humans for the same reasons, so go to your basement and kill yourself, lets see if its as tradgic, jackass.

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