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Posts posted by 4EYE3D

  1. Theres a nice concrete one in Dublin right off emerald parkway that is mostly boards. But if your looking for atmosphere its not the place to go. The flow has cool people but most free parks are filled with newfag skater punks and wannabe/look-a-like heroine addicts.
  2. It all started when I noticed my spark was jumping through the insulation to my intake from wire number 2. Ordered new wire set and ignition coil from autozone. Told me it would be there at 4 on Thursday. They didn't get them till 12 today and bother were used and rusted to hell. Told me to go to Hillard, got there and they said they are at west broad. Get to west broad and same deal. Plus they wouldn't let me get my money back because i had nothing to "return". So after about 2 days of wasted time not being able to move along work on the Nissan and half a tank of gas gone im still have no progress to show for.
  3. Got my clutch replaced over at gearheadz and couldn't believe the price when Rob told me how much it was after tax and everything, 50% of what every other shop had quoted me at. I now will only take my car as well as family members car to Rob A+ service Thanks Rob!
  4. its stock n/a and i found a cleaned out stock manifold on ebay. and, don't know why your name is now that, rhino pubes from what ive read every where else the vg30e is pretty strong why do you say it cant hold power?
  5. Im looking into buying a turbo for the Nissan and a little lost on what to get. I know the stock 300zx turbo uses a T3 for the 1984 and 85. Im looking into buying a t3/t4 hybrid but need to know if ill need somebody to make me a custom down pipe or exhaust headers or what. Or if you know of some reading material that you found useful about turbos plz share!
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